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目前,中国没有继续挖掘秦始皇陵的计划。No excavation of Qin's tomb is planned.

图示一九七四年在龙鼓洲的考古发掘遗址。The excavation at Lung Kwu Chau in 1974.

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这是当前世界上最大的人为挖掘矿坑。It is the world's largest manmade excavation.

科学家确定出土文物的时期。The scientists fixed the date of an excavation.

他怒气冲天地把绸伞猛地掷进一个坑里。He hurled the umbrella wrathfully into an excavation.

本文就挖方路基施工作以下论述。This paper excavation subgrade construction as below.

当初的挖掘现场已经被一大块石堆给覆盖住了。The excavation was covered by a large mound of stones.

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我们的新住所是一处挖空的地洞。Our new habitation was an excavation made in the earth.

这些兵佣有待出土、修复。These armored figures await excavation and restoration.

图示一九五八年在大屿山万角咀的考古发掘遗址。The excavation at Man Kok Tsui on Lantau Island in 1958.

土方工程包罗土方的发掘和换填。This includes excavation and the placement of earth fill.

我认为未来的挖掘将顺利进行,徐说。I believe the future excavation will go smoothly, Xu said.

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用有限元方法模拟了某大桥锚碇基础深基坑开挖过程。In this article an excavation process is simulated by using FEM.

这批土墩墓的发掘具有重要的学术意义。The excavation of the necropolis has prominent academic meanings.

装载机和挖土机能够不需爆破就进行普通的挖掘。Loaders and shovels easily dig common excavation without blasting.

他们目前正处于十六墓在底比斯挖掘。They are currently working at an excavation at Theban Tomb Sixteen.

遂道开挖进尺的大小与掏槽方式紧密相关。The footage tunnel excavation is closely related to the mode of cutting.

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1991年进行了抢救性发掘,并追缴回大量文物。In 1991, the rescue excavation took place after the tomb was robbed twice.

这个需要更多的图纸,文件和细致的挖掘。This required extensive planning, documentation and meticulous excavation.

为此,本文首先系统分析了有限元在深基坑模拟计算中的原理。In this thesis, the theory of simulation for excavation by FEM is analysed.