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也就是,它能使我们在这个生物群体中变的更好吗?Which is, does it make us better citizens of the biotic community?

限制的生命透过怎样并且适应极端外部生命和无生命的原素?How is life limited by and adapted to extreme external biotic and abiotic factors?

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生物免疫系统是一个高度复杂的分布协调自适应系统。Biotic immune system is a highly complex system of distribution and self-adaptation.

低温是限制植物生长和分布的一种非生物胁迫因素。It is the only production method that can sigificantly control abiotic and biotic factors.

一个物种的灭绝是与其受生物因子和非生物因子的威胁程度相关的。The extinction of species is concerned with the degree of threat by biotic and abiotic factors.

WRKY类转录因子在植物响应生物和非生物胁迫中具有多种调节功能。WRKY transcription factors have many regulatory roles in response to biotic and abiotic stresses.

这表明TSRF1可能参与了植物生物胁迫和非生物胁迫应答过程。These results indicated the involvement of TSRF1 in both plant biotic and abiotic stress responses.

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WRKY转录因子调节植物内包括生物胁迫应答在内的多种进程。WRKY transcription factors regulate diverse plant processes including responses to biotic stresses.

本研究证实了植物对生物与非生物的胁迫作出的响应并非相对独立的两个过程。From our study, we verified that plants did not response to biotic and abiotic stress independently.

文章综述了ABA信号转导途径及其在生物胁迫应答过程中的调控作用。In this paper, we review the signal transduction of ABA and its regulatory role in biotic responses.

攀枝花市生物多样性与生物资源可持续性分析。Studies of the biodiversity and the sustainability of biotic resources in panzhihua sichuan p. r. c.

生物的生境是指生物生活繁衍的场所,由生物与非生物环境构成。The wildlife habitat is influenced by biotic and abiotic environmental factors and human activities.

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攀枝花市生物多样性与生物资源可持续性分析。Studies of the Biodiversity and the Sustainability of Biotic Resources in Panzhihua, Sichuan, P. R. C.

一位斯坦福大学研究员结合生物学和视频游戏创造了一次生物游戏的经历。Stanford University researcher has combined biology and video games to create a biotic gaming experience.

地理大发现开启了全球大交流,其中包括生物大交流。The great geographical discoveries brought about global interchanges, including global biotic interchange.

一位斯坦福大学研究员结合生物学和视频游戏创造了一次生物游戏的经历。A Stanford University researcher has combined biology and video games to create a biotic gaming experience.

家具仿生设计原理与中国画中师法自然的观念有着异曲同工之妙。Biotic furniture design theory resonates with the concept of imitating nature in Chinese traditional painting.

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在一些生物的和非生物的逆境条件下,反转录转座子的转录可以被激活。Many of the plant retrotransposons are transcriptionally activated by various biotic and abiotic stress factors.

研究了热压电仿生热鲁棒结构致动器放置优化的问题。The actuator placement optimization of piezothermoelastic biotic thermal robust structure is studied in this paper.

WRKY蛋白是一个转录因子大家族,主要参与植物生物胁迫应答。WRKY proteins are a large family of transcription factors that mainly participate in plant biotic stress responses.