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不寻常的一句话却真实得露骨。The sentence is not unusual in the real undisguised.

她用毫不掩饰的轻蔑眼光看着他。She looked at him with immediate and undisguised contempt.

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他们流露出明显的厌恶看那动物。They looked upon the creature with a loathing undisguised.

他们看着那动物,流露出明显的厌恶。They looked upon the creature with a loathing undisguised.

中国的同性恋生活不仅是合法的而且在一些城市城市中更加是光明正大的。Gay life in China is now both legal and, in cities, undisguised.

有那么几秒钟,它的嘴边露出了一丝毫不掩饰的得意表情。For a few seconds it wore about its muzzle a look of undisguised triumph.

在孩子的形象中我找到了生命的本质——一个毫不掩饰的真实。In the children, I have found the true essence of life – an undisguised truth.

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但是,显然他不喜欢军官在这个地方说这样的话,他打断了他的话。But at this point he interrupted him in undisguised annoyance at his last words.

从竞选一开始,我就要面对他们毫不掩饰的对女性的敌意。From the start of that campaign, I faced undisguised hostility because of my sex.

从竞选运动一开始我便因是女性而面对毫不掩饰的敌意。From the start to that campaign , I faced undisguised hostility because of my sex.

希特勒对犹太人的露骨迫害行为受到全世界的谴责。Hitler's undisguised effort to persecute the Jews met with worldwide condemnation.

我们的间谍摄影师被它毫不掩饰地在公共运行期间最后的测试。Our spy photographers caught it running undisguised in public during final testing.

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那些把这本书看作是不假掩饰的排外主义作品的评论家们忽略了一个关键问题。Critics who branded the book as a work of undisguised nativism missed an essential point.

假冒是我们最恶毒的敌人,是对知识产权的公然践踏。Piracy is our most vicious enemy, an undisguised trampling of the intellectual property right.

感谢你,让我可以毫无顾忌地把一个真实自我,毫不掩饰地在你面前痛快淋漓的展现。Thank you, let me freely to a true self, undisguised in front of you with great eloquence show.

罗瑞先生立即想了起来,用并不掩饰的厌恶之情望了望新来的客人。Mr. Lorry immediately remembered, and regarded his new visitor with an undisguised look of abhorrence.

劳雷先生立刻记起来了,以一种毫不掩饰的憎恶之色看着这位新访客。Mr. lorry immediately remembered, and regarded his new visitor with an undisguised look of abhorrence.

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注视着较小的那个女孩在秋千上比那个大的越荡越高,他瘦瘦的脸上露出了不加掩饰的渴慕。There was undisguised greed in his thin face as he watched the younger of the two girls swinging higher and higher than her sister.

当一切的行动都带上了成功的欲望,而这个欲望成为了欲盖弥彰的演示,成功的目的。When all of the action the desire to bring success, and this desire has become ever more undisguised presentation success purposes.

但是荷兰发展接受南方林计划公开的救济因为荷兰持续的土地缺乏。But the Dutch development was greeted with undisguised relief by South Limburg planners because of Holland's chronic shortage of land.