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这姑娘用丝绸和珠宝打扮起来。The girl was bedecked with silk and jewels.

广场挂满了各色彩旗和摆满了鲜花。The square was bedecked with flags and flowers.

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英雄模范身上挂满了勋章。The heroes and models were bedecked with medals.

坐在辉煌的结彩的堂上。Sitting in a resplendent hall bedecked with silk.

为了这次庆典,这些汽车都用鲜花装饰起来。The cars were all bedecked with flowers for the ceremony.

为了结婚仪式汽车都用鲜花装饰起来。The cars were all bedecked with flowers for the wedding ceremony.

我最喜欢去巴黎,因为巴黎是个用鲜花装饰起来的城市。I most like to go to Paris, for Paris is bedecked with flowers city.

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为了这次婚礼,大厅用彩旗和花装饰起来了。The hall was bedecked with flags and flowers for the wedding ceremony.

有人形容他的妻子“被钻石装饰得犹如冰川一般闪耀。”His wife has been described as "so bedecked with diamonds as to look like a glacier".

伴随着一系列装扮美丽的大象。骆驼。马记当地舞蹈。It begins with a beautiful procession of bedecked elephants, camels, horses, and folk dancers.

每年豫园都会挂上灯笼、彩带、彩球等装饰品。Every year Yuyuan Garden is bedecked with marvelous lanterns, buntings, baubles and decorations.

他们的车上挂着旗帜和标语,往返于成都至江油的高速公路之间。Their cars, some bedecked with flags and slogans, ply the expressway between Chengdu and Jiangyou.

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这间店贯穿了六层楼,由绵延的用875个芭比娃娃装饰着的楼梯连接,那些芭比娃娃每个都穿着引人注目的粉色衣服。It is spread across six floors, linked by a sweeping staircase bedecked with 875 dolls, each dressed in shocking pink.

我喜欢在春风中踏过窄窄的山径,草莓像个精致的红灯笼,一路殷勤地张结着。I love to saunter in the spring breeze on a narrow mountain path bedecked with strawberries growing graciously like delicate red lanterns.

这种赞美总是能够恭维并让佩戴镶着宝石或半宝石戒指或其它珠宝的幸运儿感到光荣。This compliment never fails to flatter and honor the lucky wearer of the ring or other pieces of jewelry bedecked with precious or semi-precious stones.

而最给氏族长脸的是摩托小子,这些兽人骑手裹着皮甲、别着邪日徽记,浑身装饰着铁链和皮带,还穿着黑色、多扣、钢头的大摩托靴。These Ork terror-bikers dress in leathers, wear the Evil Sunz insignia, are bedecked with chains and bike harnesses, and wear steel-toed, multi-buckled, black bike boots.

一整代美国女孩可能会回忆起初吻时的墙壁的图案,亚麻布,以及各种花色的装饰,月季花的图案,蓝莓的图案,等等。An entire generation of American girls may have hashed over their first kisses between walls, and linens, bedecked with Floribunda, Wild Clematis, Bramble, and Barton Cottage.

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他们手持长戟,身披板甲,极为残暴嗜血,对一切敌人都毫不留情,其手中长戟即能穿透重甲,亦可击杀骑兵。Armed with a halberd and bedecked in plate armour, these men provide stiff and bloody opposition to all who wish to do them harm. Their long halberds can fend off cavalry, and crush armour.

新婚第二天,新娘子一身锦衣绣服、珠光宝气地打扮停当,却发觉新郎板着脸不理她。The day after the wedding, the new wife dressed up in embroidered finery and bedecked herself with glittering jewelry, but to her surprise her husband became sullen and gave her the cold shoulder.