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我要把这些擦掉了。I'm going to erase this.

要我把黑板擦净吗?Shall I erase the board.

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,现实怎么可能抹去?How can you erase reality?

留不住的青春、抹不掉的伤。Keep youth, cannot erase injury.

由小说改篇的也可以!Time can erase all unhappy trails.

请把我的名字从名单上擦去。Please erase my name from the list.

请把她的名字从名单中删去。Please erase her name from the list.

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还有那些时光不能摸去的记忆。Something that time just can't erase.

把空白处铅笔写的注释擦掉。Erase the penciled notes in the margins.

满潮会抹去我的足印。The high tide will erase my foot-prints.

轮回它磨灭不了我对你的爱。Transmigration it erase my love for you.

他试图从头脑中抹掉这个想法。He tried to erase the idea from his mind.

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若磁碟正在使用中,你将无法抹除它。If a disk is in use, you cannot erase it.

你可以用橡皮擦掉铅笔记号。You can erase pencil marks with a rubber.

课下你不必擦黑板。You neednt erase the backboard after class.

您确定要抹除目前的光碟?Do you really want to erase the current disc?

我不想擦除或者是否定我的过往。I have no desire to erase or deny my history.

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无论怎样的论辩也不能抹煞他的这一历史影响。No controversy will erase the historic impact.

如果可以,我希望抹去那段记忆。I wished I could erase that memory, if possible.

这让他闭住了嘴,但他并没收起那副该死的表情。It shut him up but didn’t erase that damn smirk.