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马尼拉文件夹做一个伟大的礼物包装纸张来源。Manilla folders make a great paper source for gift wrapping.

马尼拉信封做一个伟大的礼物包装纸张来源。Manilla envelopes make a great paper source for gift wrapping.

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首先我们要用到档案袋的牛皮纸来做书脊部分的封面。First we need the manilla cardboard for the spine of the cover.

他们就像是我们所用的,而生长在马尼拉。They are just like the ones we used while growing up in Manilla.

马尼拉网站的研究调查了1000位中等收入的美国男性和女性的睡眠习惯。The study looked at the habits of 1000 average wage-earning women and men in the US.

马尼拉网站的调查了1000位中等收入的美国男性和女性的睡眠习惯。The Manilla. com study looked at the habits of 1000 average wage-earning women and men in the US.

西非的马尼拉环作为货币之一从15世纪起用来买卖奴隶。The manilla rings of West Africa were one of the currencies used from the 15th century onwards to buy and sell slaves.

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将牛皮纸对折,以折线对齐包住书脊,通过目测找出另一边的折线。Fold the manilla at a point approximately in the middle then wrap it around the spine and find the placement of the second fold by eye.

他谈到棉花、羊毛、铜、鸦片、靛青、新加坡、马尼拉、中国、加尔各答、澳大利亚,讲起来口若悬河,滔滔不绝。He talked of cotton, wool, copper, opium, indigo, Singapore, Manilla , China, Calcutta, Australia, with prodigious eloquence and fluency.

如果你做了这一步,封面内侧会比较平整。If you do this the inside cover of your paper will be smooth, if you don't there is a chance there will be a line resulting from the edge of the manilla.

在非洲人们使用各种形式的价值储存手段,包括珠子、锭块、象牙、各种形式的武器、牲畜、马尼拉货币、赭石以及其他泥土氧化物等。In Africa many forms of value store have been used including beads, ingots, ivory, various forms of weapons, livestock, the manilla currency, ochre and other earth oxides, and so on.