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伯莎·乔金斯大约生于1958年。Bertha Jorkins was born c. 1958.

伯莎喜爱冬天的安宁。Bertha loved the calm of winter.

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伯莎蹦蹦跳跳地进了房间。Bertha came bouncing into the room.

延误让伯莎十分恼怒。Bertha was exasperated at the delay.

柏莎是一只可爱的棕白相间的熊。Bertha is a cute brown and white bear.

为什么贝沙老是跌倒在地上?Why does bertha always measure her length?

伯莎抑止住逗乐的情绪,开始吃饭。Bertha repressed her gaiety and began to eat.

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伯莎这时已恐慌得惊惶失措。By this time Bertha was frightened out of her wits.

当伯莎来到他身边时,他轻轻地把她推在一旁。When Bertha came up to him he put her gently aside.

而对社会原因造成的“伯莎”悲剧不太容易扭转。The spirit of Bertha is not quite so easily subdued.

我认为博萨不会好好听取马琳的建议的。I don't think Bertha wil take Marlin's advice in good part.

他们沉默了一阵子,然后伯莎心生一念。They kept silence for a moment, and then an idea seized Bertha.

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想象的悲恸是如此强烈,使伯莎泪如泉涌。The imagined grief was so poignant that Bertha burst into tears.

伯莎最终会成为那种本分驯良的妻子。Bertha would eventually become the dutiful and submissive spouse.

史利克和大姐移居爱沙尼亚,大姐贝莎于1970年去世。Shlick and her sister moved to Estonia, where Bertha died in 1970.

“贝莎”已经在该地区造成了巨大的海浪。Bertha has already been producing large swells and high surf there.

莫名地,我不想知道“远程大炮”和她的主人后来怎么样了。Somehow, I didn’t want to know what happened to Bertha or her owner.

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百慕大群岛已经发出热带风暴警告,飓风“贝莎”正靠近。Bermuda has issued a tropical storm watch as Hurricane Bertha approaches.

“啊,看在上帝的份上,别这么开口闭口搬弄警句吧,”伯莎不客气地打断他说。"Oh, for God's sake, don't be sententious, " Bertha interrupted fiercely.

他用伯莎所极为欣赏的那种不拘形式的大步往前走去。He walked along with the free-and-easy stride that Bertha so much admired.