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有福之州。Blessed states.

他们都祝福我。They blessed me.

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我感觉很幸福。I feel so blessed.

我的生活是幸福的。My life is blessed.

温柔的人有福了。Blessed are the meek.

是这样,世尊。是这样啊,善逝者。So it is, Blessed One.

恨意少一点,祝福多一点。Less hate, more blessed.

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这就是一个蒙神赐福的人。Such is the blessed man.

耶稣是蒙祝福的那一位。Jesus is the Blessed One.

这真是一项有福的运动。Man, what a blessed sport.

于是在那里给雅各祝福。Then he blessed him there.

我们将蒙神的祝福。We will be blessed by God.

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如果我干这事,我就太有福了!I’ll be blessed if I do it!

缔造和平的人是有福的。Blessed are the peacemakers.

如果我干这种事,我就太有福了!I’ll be blessed if I do it!!

这些是受保佑的人,清楚吗These are the blessed. Okay?

祝贺你,有福之人!Greetings to you blessed one!

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竟然没有一个人了解点儿情况。No-one knows a blessed thing.

烨谁看这里有得天独厚。Ye who read here are blessed.

他将来也必蒙福。yea, and he shall be blessed.