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试想,一个裸猿怎么样?How about a naked ape?

猿猴之于人是什么?What is the ape to man ?

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他只不过是个粗笨的大汉。He is nothing but an ape.

倭黑猩猩是猿的一种。The bonobo is a type of ape.

人是从类人猿进化来的。Man has evolved from the ape.

猿飞被李冬青救下。Fly ape was dong-qing li saved.

播放机可播放什么文件类型?Why aren't my APE files played?

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一个猿人在微温的湖泊中沐浴!An Ape Bathing in Lukewarm water !

使人兴猿有所区别的是什麽?What differentiates man from the ape?

人类与人猿有类似的构造。Man and ape have comparable anatomies.

猿飞吩咐他要举行一个仪式。Fly ape commands him to hold a ceremony.

音乐会上乐迷们真是如痴如狂。The fans at the concert were really ape.

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尽管穿金戴银,仍然是猿猴。An ape is an ape, though decked with gold.

大猩猩一切都模仿猿人。The ape apes the ape-man in everything he does.

我是动物学家,裸猿又是一种动物。I am a zoologist and the naked ape is an animal.

类人猿有灭绝的危险。An anthropoid ape such as a gorilla or chimpanzee.

猿猴被请来裁决他们的纠纷。An Ape undertook to adjudge the matter between them.

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那大猩猩在树枝间荡来荡去。SWING】The big ape swung itself from branch to branch.

保护猿可以解决即将面临的这两个问题。Ape conservation tackles both of these issues head on.

要不然就是大猩猩,或者负鼠或还是什么其它倒霉玩意儿?Or it was possibly an ape or possum or some such shit?