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特里大笑着说,“你只不过是这个考察队的一个有名无实的小头目。”You’re just the figurehead for this expedition.

尽管一些资深官员说他只是个有名无实的人物。Even some senior officials now say he is a mere figurehead.

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当达斯勒家族分家之后,他得到了一笔股份以及这个挂名的职务。When they split he got a bundle of shares and this figurehead job.

伪满政府是由日本扶持建立的傀儡政权。The Manchukuo Puppet Regime was a figurehead set up by the Japanese.

伪满政府是由日本扶持建立的傀儡政权。The "Manchukuo" Puppet Regime was a figurehead set up by the Japanese.

他自有受到他丰厚收买的忠实军事领导当他的傀儡。He has loyal, and well paid, military officials to perform the role of figurehead.

在2009年,贝尔被选中并且任命为童子军首席,并且作为全球两千八百万童子军的名誉领袖。In 2009, Bear was chosen and appointed as Chief Scout, and figurehead to 28 million Scouts worldwide.

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这位总统掌管着法国政府,而其总理弗朗斯瓦·菲永不过是个坐镇的傀儡。The president dominates France's government, over which his prime minister, Fran?ois Fillon, sits as a figurehead.

荷兰国王几乎没有政治权力,他主要作为正式场合代表国家的领袖。The Dutch monarch has little political power, but serves mostly as a ceremonial figurehead to represent the nation.

利比亚可能回到卡扎菲以前的时代,当时她是由英国管理的傀儡国王-步履蹒跚的伊本·伊德里斯统治。Libya would return to pre-Gadaffi days when it was ruled by a British-managed figurehead king, the doddering Ibn Idris.

但多数分析人士认为,无论是谁继承金正日的权力,朝鲜的新领导人都不会像金正日那样大权独揽,而只是充当一个傀儡或者一个最终仲裁者。But most analysts suggest that whoever takes over will be essentially a figurehead or arbitrator rather than a sole ruler.

许多第二代企业家都感到被他们的家人所操控,他们仅仅是挂名而已。Many second generation entrepreneurs feel they are being manipulated by their parents and are simply the figurehead of the enterprise.

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一旦陷入球荒,又不在最适合自己的位置踢球,他会失去组织进攻和主导比赛的自信。When he isn't scoring goals and playing in his best positions, he loses the confidence that comes with being the playmaker and figurehead.

这国家的政治史是混乱的争辩和阴谋,现在这个王国总是被人们描述为一个君主立宪制的,有一个无实权的国王的国家。The political history is a mess of coups and intrigues and the Kingdom is now described as a constitutional monarchy with a king as figurehead.

通讯员报道说即使他已经成为了反对派的领袖,抗议者仍然没有要求他成为抗议者的领袖。Correspondents say that although he has become a leading figurehead of the opposition, protesters have not yet called for him to be their leader.

即便如此,卡扎菲这位自封“王中之王”的非洲千国领袖一定对自己早上的表现十分满意。That aside, the self-proclaimed king of kings, figurehead of a thousand African kingdoms, must have been chuffed by how his morning had turned out.

二十年前,法德尔博士成为了基地组织的智力首脑,写了一本为对抗西方的圣战提供理论依据的著作。Twenty years ago, Dr Fadl became al-Qaeda's intellectual figurehead with a crucial book setting out the rationale for global jihad against the West.

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船首上的雕像,曾经可能是条有漂亮身材的人鱼什么的,已经彻底塌下来了,现在倒象个正在尖叫的女水妖。The figurehead at the bow, once probably a curvaceous mermaid, had been worn down by the elements until it now resembled more an aquatic banshee in midshriek.

在最终屈服之前,穆巴拉克曾在周四提出向苏莱曼交出一部分职责,但自己保留名义上的总统身份,这一提议遭到抗议者坚决拒绝。Mr Mubarak surrendered in the face of an astounding rejection of his move on Thursday to hand responsibilities to Mr Suleiman but remain as a figurehead president.

他发现佩妮在前船楼上乔拉爵士平常逗留的地方,倚在那个丑陋的半腐烂的船首像边的栏杆上,眺望着漆黑的海。He found Penny on the forecastle, where he had so often found Ser Jorah, standing by the rail beside the cog's hideous half-rotted figurehead and gazing out across the inky sea.