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他对那位芭蕾舞女的热情很快就冷下来了。His passion for the ballerina soon congealed.

服务生,我愿意为那位芭蕾舞女买一杯酒!Bartender, I want to buy that ballerina a drink!

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考区·布朗想像玛丽将来成为首席芭蕾舞星。Coach Brown envisions Mary as a prima ballerina.

服务生,我愿意为那位芭蕾舞女买一杯酒!Bartender, I 'd like to buy ballerina another drink!

爱蜜莉希望能实现当芭蕾舞者梦想。Emily hopes to carry out her dream to be a ballerina.

女性们依然搭配着芭蕾风格的靴子穿着紧身牛仔裤。Women still wear them with boots, and ballerina shoes.

服务生,我愿意为那位芭蕾舞女买一杯酒!Bartender, I'd like to buy the ballerina another drink!

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那个芭蕾舞女演员在下台之前行屈膝礼。The ballerina bobbed a curtsy before leaving the stage.

把我的天鹅服装准备好。Get my swan costume ready. Anna Pavlova, Russian ballerina.

在皮肤之下,一个芭蕾舞演员可能有一颗拳击者的心。Under the skin a ballerina might have the heart of a boxer.

我的女儿是一名舞蹈演员,我的前妻是首席芭蕾舞演员。My daughter is a dancer and my ex-wife was a prima ballerina.

在最后的一段表演里,芭蕾舞女看上去就像漂浮在水中一样。In a final bravura the ballerina appeared to be floating in water.

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一次偶然的机会,芭蕾舞女演员玛亚在滑铁卢桥邂逅了高级军官罗伊。By chance, ballerina Maya Waterloo Bridge in a high-ranking military officers met Roy.

在那拍摄照片的时刻,不在众人注目的中心的芭蕾舞女演员充斥着蓝色的阴影。In this captured moment, out of the limelight, the ballerina is awash in shades of blue.

一个名为狄波拉·布尔的芭蕾舞演员将在一套电视系列片中演示舞蹈的原理。The ballerina Deborah Bull is to star in a television series about the science of dance.

波特曼经历了激烈的芭蕾舞训练,以适应的首席女舞者的鞋子。Portman went through intense ballet training to fit into the shoes of the prima ballerina.

然而,所有衣服都可以与迷你装、牛仔裤、宽松的女短衫、平底芭蕾鞋搭配着穿。Nevertheless everything can be combined with a mini, jeans, blouses or flat ballerina shoes.

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然而,所有衣服都可以与迷你装、牛仔裤、宽松的女短衫、平底芭蕾鞋搭配著穿。Nevertheless everything can be combined with a mini, jeans, blouses or flat ballerina shoes.

她的女儿,一位著名的莫斯科大剧院芭蕾舞,和她的潜力,很快就实现。She was the daughter of a famous Bolshoi ballerina , and her potential was quickly realized.

分别是裙长至胫骨的晚礼服和芭蕾伶娜裙长鸡尾服。the tea length dresses Evening Dresses and the ballerina length cocktail dresses respectively.