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一种看上去更运动和青春的样子?A Sporty & Youthful look?

她拥有富于青春活力的声音。She got a youthful vibrant voice.

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可以暖暖青春的梦。Which can warm up youthful dreams.

青春的梦难道就这样破灭了吗?Is it so youthful dreams shattered it?

在我年轻的岁月,它可是会让我气喘如牛的。At my youthful age, it caused me to pant.

他好像永远不会失去青春活力。He seems never to lose his youthful vigour.

此酒色泽淡雅,透出嫩绿色光泽。Very pale in color with youthful green hues.

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这些女孩充满青春活力。These girls are bursting with youthful vigor.

秋水同志还须继续努力。Youthful comrades must continue to work hard.

在巴黎凡高的作品变得更加青春洋溢。Van Gogh’s work became more youthful in Paris.

年轻的色调,色浓,边缘呈粉红色。Youthful hue, good concentration, thin pink rim.

千万不要失去年少时的理想哦。Do not lose your youthful idealism for the world.

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我们于晨钟暮鼓挥洒青春的激情!We are contributing our youthful passion all time!

运动场上的你们,是青春的赞叹。In athletic field, you are the youthful acclaiming.

法官认为对年轻的犯罪者应以慈悲为怀。The judge believed in clemency for youthful offenders.

很不幸,你最大的优点差不多就是中二了。Youthful ignorance is unfortunately your best quality.

这款抗皱乳霜能促进皮肤年轻态。This anti-wrinkle cream promotes a youthful appearance.

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我们是何等年轻的哲学家和实验家啊!What youthful philosophers and experimentalists we are!

趁青春色泽还像晨露在妳的肌肤停坐之时。While the youthful hue sits on thy skin like morning dew.

那是青春诗句记号,莫怪读了心还会跳。It is youthful poem marks Moguai will read the heart jump.