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砌砖工程在几天之内就完成了。The brickwork was cast up in a few days.

这所房子的砖造部分需要修理。The brickwork in this house is in need of repair.

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我们必须快点重新勾抹砖房的接缝。We need to have the brickwork pointed up quickly.

鸟儿们紧贴在墙上,啄着砖缝。The birds cling to the wall and nibble at the brickwork.

建筑的外壳是一个混凝土框架用清水砖墙填充。The outer shell is an exposed brickwork within a concrete frame.

该图像是一个完全不同的颜色从周围的砖墙。The image is a completely different colour from the surrounding brickwork.

一些沟壕的底部是古墓的砖制结构,标示着这块区域是一片墓地。At the bottom of some is the brickwork of tombs, marking the area as a cemetery.

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附近的所有砖建筑物都必须用喷灯加以消毒,然后再用杀真菌剂予以处理。All nearby brickwork must be sterilized with a blowlamp then treated with fungicide.

地砖接缝要粗细一致,与墙砖缝对齐。The floor tile joint wants thickly thin consistent, alines with the wall brickwork joint.

承重砌体230毫米厚的被用来作为竖向荷载抵制结构体系。Load bearing brickwork 230-mm thick was used as the vertical load resisting structural system.

应用实践表明,推广应用集中配筋多孔砖砌体是可行的。The practices show that it is feasible to spread and apply centralized porousreinforced brickwork.

这种结构骨架被多孔砖砌墙的外立面所包围,使其与周围的建筑更加匹配。But this framework is enveloped by a facade of perforated brickwork to match neighbouring buildings.

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屋顶高度相同,开窗形式匹配,青砖与石质材料相互补充,相得益彰。The roof level is identical, window heights match, and the grey brickwork complements the monochrome stonework.

船内的主要燃料系统蒸汽系统、轴系以及汽锅装置等对冲击波特别敏感。Main feed lines, main steam lines, shafting, and boiler brickwork within the ship are especially sensitive to shock.

在扩建部分的室内,橡木拼花地板、浅色砖砌墙和黑色木材都保证了建筑表面的耐用性。Inside the extension, oak parquet flooring, light-coloured brickwork and black-painted timber provide durable surfaces.

厚实的砖砌井栏这儿那儿都坍塌了,零星的砖石跌落在野草和荆棘之间。The massive brickwork had fallen away here and there, and loose fragments of masonry lay buried amidst weeds and briers.

作为I类石匠送达砌体活动,就有多少表3所示,是指特定的活动而已。As class I masons served brickwork activities alone, the number shown in Table 3 refers to that particular activity only.

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攀爬的植物将沿着砖墙和网格架培育,网格架和两层高的窗户呈一定角度。Climbing planting will be trained up the brickwork and along the mesh trellising that angles across the double-height windows.

U型的主楼有一个使用木材料填充细节的砌砖立面,在近前方的五加科植物将会覆盖外部空间。The U shaped main building has a brickwork facade with wooden details and in the near futureAraliaceae will cover the outside.

砌碹巷道破坏的主要原因是由于支护-围岩接触关系不能适应巷道变形特性造成。The failure of brickwork roadway is mainly caused by the contacting relation of support and surrounding rock and inadequate deformation of support.