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分析截流倍数的影响因素,探讨合理的截流倍数计算方法。Analyzing effect factor and study reasonable algorithms of interceptive multiple.

你好?第四拦截司令部?我看到一个不明物体在我的小脑袋周围飞来飞去。Hello? Fourth Interceptive Command? I see an unidentified object flying around my little head.

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因此,对阻击式防空体系的作战能力进行评估具有重要的意义。So it is significative to evaluate combat capability of Interceptive aerial defence weapons system-of-systems.

发现高机械强度的试样具有间粒或间隔结构的特点。It is found that samples with higher mechanical strength are characterized by interceptive on mosaic structure.

在体育运动中运动员能否成功的表现主要取决于其获得视觉信息的方法。Successful performance in interceptive tasks depends largely upon the acquisition of visual information about the approaching object.

阻击式防空防御体系作为主要的防空防御体系之一,对其作战有效性进行分析显得非常必要。As the main defense system in air defense systems, it is very necessary to analyze the effectiveness of interceptive air defense systems.

根据模拟计算结果发现,当地层中存在裂缝时,其瑞利导波频散曲线的基阶模式会出现截止或截断现象。Simulation results show that, when there exists a fissure in the foundation, the first mode curve has a cut-off frequency or assumes an interceptive phenomenon.

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当系统惯性较大,振动截止频率较低时,可认为流量与密度脉动同相。When the inertia of the system is rather large and interceptive frequency rather low, pulses of flow and density are considered to be in phase. The paper has quoted pro.

相对于传统普通活性污泥法,膜生物反应器由于膜的截留作用,实现污泥龄和水力停留时间的彻底分离。Relative to the traditional ordinary activated sludge method, the membrane bioreactor carry out separation of mud age and water stop time thoroughly by membrane interceptive role.

介绍了用圆柱形容性感应探针进行非拦截式束流强度测量的方法。This paper introduces one non interceptive beam intensity measurement by using a cylindrically capacitive which is originally used for the measurements of beam bunch length and central phase.