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大贝贝在车上扭来扭去。Justin gets very fidgety in the car.

当你心情烦躁时,可以用它来发泄。It helps out when you’re in a fidgety mood.

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其实我也知道自己是因为什么而烦躁。In fact, I know that because of what he is and fidgety.

所有患者均有不同程度烦躁、焦虑情绪。All of the patients had different degree of fidgety and worry.

他聚着两道剑眉,一脸的无奈和烦躁。He gathers two sword eyebrows, one face of helpless and fidgety.

虽然他很烦躁不安,但还是勉强朝她笑了。Even though he was restless and fidgety he managed to smile at her.

我感到焦躁不安,思想无法集中而无法理解内容,开始寻找其他事情去做。I get fidgety , lose the thread , begin looking for something else to do.

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这张碟注定魅力无限,但对于更多浮躁的听者来说却是麻烦。The disc's all determined loveliness, but more fidgety listeners might have trouble.

男人感到分身乏术时往往会烦躁愤怒。Men often get fidgety or irritable when they’re supposed to be in two places at once.

在我们的焦躁版童话中,精神疾病患儿成了英雄。In the Fidgety versions of the tales, children with mental health disorders become the heroes.

如果你习惯常常吸烟,您的嘴可能也会感觉有点儿烦躁不安。If you're used to puffing on a cigarette fairly regularly, your mouth will also feel a bit fidgety.

她现在真是无限欢喜,极度兴奋,正如前些时候是那样地忧烦惊恐,坐立不安。She was now in an irritation as violent from delight, as she had ever been fidgety from alarm and vexation.

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下一个周日到了,当奶奶奇怪的问道,“你怎么这么烦躁不安啊?As the next Sunday came around, Margie was getting ready for church when Grandma asked, "Why are you so fidgety?

妈妈讲故事的时间不要超出半小时,时间太长的话,会让孩子感到烦燥与不安,并不能使他安静下来。Don't spend more than a half an hour ready though, the child may become bored and fidgety instead of calming down.

最近天气闷热,让我的心情也变得烦躁起来了!本来可以很快就调节好的,但是却因为一些人一些事让我更加烦躁不已。Your bad temper makes me so fidgety. u don't know ur a skunk, everybody now don't like u, ur nothing, we all can't bear u.

一些老师让学生们去跑跑腿,像给校办公室送文件等来消耗他们过于旺盛的精力。Some allow students with ADHD to run occasional errands, like delivering files to the school office, to burn off fidgety energy.

“你到底要不要去吃饭?”叶少宁打断了她,情绪无由地烦躁起来。"Do you exactly want to have a repast?"The leaf is little to rather disturb her, the sentiment is without anybody reason fidgety.

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事实上,一些被认为代谢速度快的人,可能比其他人更爱运动——或者更为焦虑些。In fact, some people who are said to have a fast metabolism are probably just more active — and maybe more fidgety — than are others.

从高考的重压下进入大学,刘浩常有些烦恼,甚至还有烦躁。Under the pressure of national entrance examination for entering universities, Liu Hao usually felt depressed and even fidgety everyday.

两个多月来,海淀区吴家村路10号院8号、9号楼的140多户居民整日提心吊胆,坐立不安。Two months ago, Ng Ka Tsuen Road, Haidian District 10th House on the 8th, 9th floor of more than 140 households throughout fear, fidgety.