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这种体验几乎是有形的。The experience is almost tangible.

它是存在的,它是有形的。It will exist. It will be tangible.

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这就使云有了更实际的意义。This makes the cloud more tangible.

而且我可以真切地感受到,And I can see that in a very tangible way

另外还有一些无形的因素在作怪。And there are other, less tangible factors.

我看着艾里亚,他的伤感是实实在在的。I look at Eliyah and his sadness is tangible.

它看得见摸得着,可被消费者感觉到。乔治?。It was tangible and could be felt by consumers.

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有着实实在在的战争经验,挺有意思。So like tangible war experience, very interesting.

你可以感觉到那种氛围,它几乎是有形的。You could feel it in the air. It was tangible almost.

他用“看得见摸得着”一词来形容病人们的改变。He describes the changes in his patients as "tangible."

他的课堂作业和家庭作业均有实实在在的进步。There has been a tangible improvement in his schoolwork.

对待时间简直就像它是看得见,摸得着的东西一样。Time is treated as if it were something almost tangible.

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有形资产是您能够看到、感觉到或触摸到的对象。A tangible asset is an object you can see, feel or touch.

有形资产是您能够看到、感觉到或接触到的对象。A tangible asset is an object you can see, feel, or touch.

电子商务能为企业和消费者带来切实的利益。E-commerce for businesses and consumers tangible benefits.

那是因为传授技巧是有形的可度量的。That's because passing skills are tangible and measurable.

而另一些作品则更为可触知的超现实主义。Certain pieces have more of a tangible surrealistic influence.

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它对整个软件业有实实在在的影响。It has real tangible effects on the overall software industry.

在外部皮肤的盒子识别这些有形成分。The boxes on the outer skin identify these tangible components.

他们还可以向你提供有形的,证明了他的不忠。They can also provide you with tangible proof of his infidelity.