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别碰我。Touch me not.

别碰我。Don't touch me.

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我触摸树叶。I touch leaves.

摸一摸你的书。Touch your book.

摸你的脸。Touch your face.

摸你的脚。Touch your feet.

摸摸你的头。Touch your head.

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我能碰碰什么?What can I touch?

你动了我的心。You touch my heart.

我能摸到我的脚。I can touch my foot.

我能摸到脚指头。I can touch my toes.

我来摸书本。I'll touch the book.

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我可以摸一摸吗?。Wow, Can I Touch It?

喜欢碰嘴唇。A18. I touch my lips.

我来摸桌子。I'll touch the table.

但愿我能碰一碰他!If I might touch him!

我的男人,别碰。My men, do not touch.

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才一接触他就让步了。At a touch he yielded.

不要动那枪。Don"t touch the gun ."

可是他连碰都不碰。He doesn't touch them.