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二锅头。Two pots of heads.

塞韦林头婴儿。Severin heads baby.

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二十个剃的光光的后脑勺。Twenty shaved heads.

和尚都剃头。Monks shave their heads.

这条路一直朝东。The road heads the east.

用剃刀剃光头发。They shaved their heads.

随后去了北部。And then, he heads up north.

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起码不用心算。At least, not in your heads.

他径直朝我走来。He heads toward me directly.

一只鹰在我们的头顶上飞翔。A eagle hawks over our heads.

一人计短,二人计长。Two heads are better than one.

一架飞机嗖地一下从我们的头顶飞掠而过。An air plane skirred our heads.

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他坐上大巴向洛城出发。He heads to Los Angeles by bus.

让我低下头来祈祷。Let us bow our heads in prayer.

屋顶掉下来砸在我们头上。The roof came down on our heads.

这些鱼头也是大大的有用滴!Their heads will also be useful!

他们羞愧地低下头来。They bowed their heads in shame.

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我如何消磁音带头?How do I demagnetize tape heads ?

我看到有些人摇头。I see people shaking their heads.

她走向咖啡机。She heads for the coffee machine.