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离开石井先生的工作室后,我们乘坐巴士来到了福冈博物馆。Left Mr. Isii's studio, we went to Fukuoka Museum by bus.

第一届会议是1994年9月在日本福冈市召开的。The first summit was held in Fukuoka of Japan in September, 1994.

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港龙航空公司来回香港至福冈机票。Roundtrip Economy class air ticket for Hong Kong and Fukuoka on KA.

但是,位于福冈湾入口处的小岛玄海町受到的破坏相当严重。However, damage is extensive on the tiny island of Genkai at the mouth of Fukuoka Bay.

该Seishin再生医学中心的成立在福冈诊所于2008年10月。The Seishin Regenerative Medicine Center was established at the Fukuoka Clinic in October 2008.

她在日本南方九州岛的福冈市出生,父亲在她还蹒跚学步时就抛家弃子。Born in Fukuoka on the southern island of Kyushu, she was just a toddler when her father walked out.

这个时期的代表作品有女子学院,大分县图书馆,福冈相互银行,大分县分行。The representative works of this period are women college Oita Library, Fukuoka Mutual Bank, Oita branch.

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这是位于日本福冈有着悠久商业历史的一个小镇上的日式点心店。A project of a Japanese pastry shop in Kami-Kawabata, Hakata Ward, Fukuoka City, a historical merchant town.

这个住宅位于城市区,离福冈中心区不远,场地狭窄修长。This house is located in the city area near by the center of Fukuoka city on a long and narrow site, 6m x 18m.

秦雅则,1984年2月8日生于日本福冈县。他是佳能写真新世纪奖2008年评审团大奖得主。Masanori Hata born Feb. 8th, 1984, in Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan. He is the winner of Canon New Cosmos of Photography 2008.

日本气象厅称,福冈县和山口县等地区的24小时降雨量将达到200毫米。Japan Meteorological Agency said, Fukuoka Prefecture and Yamaguchi Prefecture and other areas will be 24-hour rainfall of 200 mm.

英尺高,黄白相间的机器人,现在它已正式登陆位于日本南部的福冈市。Japanese retailer Aeon Co. has introduced a four-foot-seven tall, yellow-and-white robot at a store in the southern city of Fukuoka.

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营运总部设于东京日野市,共650名员工,营业办公室位于日本东京、神户、名古屋、福冈等主要城市。The company has 650 employees and has a primary operation in Hino-City, Tokyo, and sales offices in Tokyo, Kobe, Nagoya, and Fukuoka.

同时,由于本交流展的举办地点在台北与福冈两地的美术馆,也因此促成了双方青年城市互访的行程。The exchange exhibition between Taipei and Fukuoka also help the students from two cities to meet each other for further understanding.

地点在福冈市营地铁中洲川端站徒步只有5分的福冈市国际会馆。Classes are offered at the Fukuoka City International Center. It's just a 5 minute walk from the Fukuoka City Nakasu-Kawabata subway station.

福国卡掩埋场的垃圾收取范围将包括圣佩德罗镇、卡叶高尔镇、贝里斯市、圣伊格纳西奥、和圣塔伊黎娜等五个主要地区。The Fukuoka landfill site will service five major districts including San Pedro Town, Caye Caulker, Belize City, San Ignacio and Santa Elena.

一名地方官员说,福冈县南部地区北九州市一名星期五晚上失踪的67岁妇女,也被证实死亡。A 67-year-old women from Kitakyushu city, southern Fukuoka prefecture, was also found dead after she went missing Friday night, a local official said.

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当地警方发言人说,最新证实的死亡是,78岁的平山秀夫,被埋在南部福冈县的泥浆里。The latest confirmed fatality was a 78-year-old Hideo Hirayama who was buried under mud in southern Fukuoka prefecture, a local police spokesman said.

首推的是位于福冈市和东京浅草区的两座,其本意旨在于安静的环境中提供一张舒适的卧床。With two primary hotels, one in Fukuoka and one in Asakusa, the idea of capsule hotels is to offer nothing more than a comfortable bed in a quiet area.

拓也奔走在深夜的福冈四处寻找亚美,他想起两人一起共同度过的时光,决定和亚美相守一生。Takuya running in the middle of the night's Fukuoka looking for the Ami, he remembered they spent time together, decided to spend the whole life with Ami.