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你在偷换概念。You are stealing concept.

他被指控凡有偷窃罪。He was accused of stealing.

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是的,我们认同那是偷盗。Yeah, we agree at stealing.

他承认偷了我的钱。He admited stealing my mony.

他否认偷了这比钱。He denyed stealing the money.

我发现他偷了我的钱。I found him stealing my money.

你看到他偷书了吗?Did you see him stealing books?

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大半是偷书或钱。Mostly stealing books or money.

那是在向未来偷盗。You’re stealing from the future.

他一定是被胁迫去偷的。He must be bullied into stealing.

她被判偷窃罪。She was found guilty of stealing.

我要拿这句话到马镫杯上用!I'm stealing that for Stirrup Cup!

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这个人被控犯有偷窃罪。The man was charged with stealing.

我们在他进行偷窃时将其捉住。We took him in the act of stealing.

他们应该立即转用条形顶部蜂箱,降低蜂蜜生产盈余并停止偷拿蜂蜜。production and stop stealing honey.

他误遭控诉犯偷窃罪。He was wrongly offender of stealing.

他偷东西时当场被捉住了。He was nabbed in the act of stealing.

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节选自美国篇。Stealing in the United States section.

他偷钱时被当场抓住。He was nabbed while stealing the money.

他宁死也不去偷窃。He perferred to die instead of stealing.