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没有真爱,我们只是白活,阿飞。Without true love we just exist, Alfie.

直到你找回真爱的那天,阿尔菲…And you'll find love any day, Alfie, Alfie.

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宝贝弟弟呀我真希望你能长大一点。My baby brother Alfie how I wish that you could see.

梅西的妈妈自己也不过15岁,但她和阿尔菲声称他们将会是称职的父母。Baby Maisie's mother is only 15 herself, but Chantelle and Alfie say they'll be good parents.

彩排了一阵子后,阿尔菲突然想起来他之前约了多拉那天下午到他家去。After a while spent rehearsing the play, Alfie remembered that he'd invited Dora to his house that afternoon.

但阿尔菲成功克服了这点,而且学会了如何在那些羞愧尴尬的时刻中挖掘出幽默。But Alfie managed to overcome this, and learned how to find the humour in those moments of shame and embarrassment.

糖果店门口有两个锡兵,取的是莫莉哥哥阿尔菲和乔治的名字。And at the entrance to the shops are two large tin soldiers standing guard named after her two brothers Alfie and George.

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他们看上去就像是兄妹,而实际上确实父女。阿尔菲在年仅十三岁的时候成为一名父亲。They look like brother and sister. They are in fact father and daughter. Alfie Patten, at the tender age of 13, is a dad.

当星期一他的女朋友仙黛尔。斯蒂德曼生下一名女婴梅齐。罗克珊,长着娃娃脸的阿尔菲。巴顿便当了父亲。Baby-faced Alfie Patton, became a dad when his girlfriend Chantelle Steadman gave birth to a baby girl Maisie Roxanne Monday.

老夫老妻艾飞和海伦娜,和他们的女儿莎莉及女婿莱,徘徊于激情、欲望和焦虑,人生陷入困局,几近失控。Follows a pair of married couples, Alfie and Helena, and their daughter Sally and husband Roy, as their passions, ambitions, and anxieties lead them into trouble and out of their minds.

一名狗主庆祝她的白色「纯种的」贵妇犬诞下八只黑色小狗,这些小狗包括四只狗仔和四只狗女,牠们的父亲是一只黑色名种贵妇犬,名叫「阿非」。A dog owner is celebrating after her white "pedigree" poodle gave birth to eight black puppies. The father of the puppies, four boys and four girls, is a black pedigree poodle called Alfie.