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他们求助于使用挖苦、讽刺、谩骂和自吹自擂。They resorted to sarcasm irony, invective and self-praise.

但同时警告一部分人,不要在这里进行无礼的谩骂。But at the same, warn some people not to issue impolite invective here.

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威尔德斯先生的对穆斯林强烈反感现在与他对欧元的强烈反感互补起来了。The anti-Muslim vitriol of Mr Wilders is now supplemented by anti-euro invective.

格林的痛骂声里包含潦倒作家对发迹演员的嫉妒。In Green's invective there is the starveling author's jealousy of the prosperous actor.

不过各大网站上球迷们针对朱广沪的言词更为激烈。But the invective directed at Zhu by soccer fans on major websites was even more fierce.

在金贝尔的审判庭上,陪审员们耳闻目睹了那些绘声绘色的充斥着种族谩骂的电子邮件和暴力言论的电话。At Gimbel's trial, jurors were shown vivid e-mails filled with racial invective and calls to violence.

他骂人只是对他自己不利,因为有人提醒他,大家都知道他曾经坐过牢。His invective was turned against himself for he was reminded that everyone knew he himself had been to prison.

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此次下跌不安的一面是在中国尤其在互联网上发泄出的抨击。One disconcerting aspect of the fall was the invective it unleashed within China, particularly on the Internet.

但谈判在相互猜疑的气氛中开始,对峙的恶言在增加。But the talks are occurring in an atmosphere of mutual suspicion, in which confrontational invective is growing.

这个组织总部设在巴格达,其副首领用一连串谩骂同性恋者的语言解释了这个运动。The deputy leader of the group, which is based in Baghdad, explained its campaign using a stream of homophobic invective.

反复无常推翻了一成不变的教条,被理性和扎辫子的保守党漫骂。Play fast and loose overturned the dogma is immutable and frozen, rational and the braids of the Conservative Party of invective.

当旅行社取消了前往日本的旅行团时,中国评论员在网络上展开了一场民族主义的谩骂。Chinese commentators unleashed a stream of nationalist invective on the internet while travel agencies cancelled package tours to Japan.

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汉考克将R从死亡线上拉了回来,但是在这个过程中他做出了让火车出轨这个确实不好的行为,他也遭到周围人猛烈的抨击和训斥。He plucks Ray from death, but in the process derails the train and, also true to bad form, receives an invective -laced earful from the gathering mob.

就是这样一个被尖锐,夹带谩骂种族问题损害的政体的国家给了成百上千的来访者们热情的欢迎。A country whose politics have been damaged recently by bitter, racially tinged invective offered hundreds of thousands of visitors an affectionate welcome.

用讥讽的玫瑰镇服你的对手,较之用嘲弄的板斧将他剁砍或用谩骂的大头棒将他捶打,更为温文尔雅。How much more elegant is it to slay your foe with the roses of irony than to massacre him with the axes of sarcasm or to belabour him with the bludgeon of invective.

那女人连珠炮似地臭骂起来,好象温泉要突然迸发,一股白花花的热水直朝他身上喷来。The woman started to curse in a flood of obscene invective that rolled over and around him like the hot white water splashing down from the sudden eruption of a geyser.

我们整个政治文化会出现终止自我维持和面对指责和谩骂时的自私摇摆不定的态度,改变从议员被枪杀开始吗?Is it true that they and the entire political culture will stop the self-sustaining and self-serving pendulum of blame and invective only after a congressman has been shot?

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此前多梅内克的言论已被和法国足协划清界限,而普拉蒂尼更是要求其为自己的言论拿出证据。Domenech has been disowned by the French Federation following his invective comments, and Michel Platini has threatened action unless proof is provided to back up the allegations.