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自从我中大奖以后。Ever since I hit the jackpot.

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我就像中了头奖一样兴奋。excited like I won the jackpot.

我就像中了头奖一样兴奋。I was excited like I won the jackpot.

大概在18个月前,她走运了。About 18 months ago she hit the jackpot.

这也是最吸引人的地方,那感觉就像中了头彩一样。That's why it feels like such a jackpot.

彩票头奖最多是多少?What’s the biggest lottery jackpot ever?

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但是中头奖的声音无需任何修饰。But the sound of a jackpot needs no translation.

偶尔,我“中了大奖”就可以直接走进去。Occasionally, I hit the jackpot and walk right in.

那些少数幸运赢得彩票头彩奖金的人呢?What about those lucky few who do win a lottery jackpot?

要是你挑中了六个幸运号码,头彩就是你的了。The jackpot can be yours if you pick the six winning numbers.

欧洲彩票的累积奖金是世界上彩票奖金最高的。The EuroMillions jackpot is the world's biggest ever lottery prize.

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我如获至宝的接住了铅笔,差点就热泪盈眶的磕头拜谢。I seem to have hit the jackpot caught pencil, almost tears kowtow to me.

这名幸运儿中得的奖金金额高达126231764欧元,足够买两架空客A-320客机。The jackpot of 126,231,764 euros is enough to buy two Airbus A-320 jets.

今天的购物我感觉真是很核算,因为很多货物打了很大的折扣。I felt like I hit the jackpot shopping today, because there were so many good sales.

而后他做了个大赌注,计划建造一座冰渔屋来还清部分债务。He hit a big jackpot. He plans to build a new ice fishing house and pay off some debts.

你的女朋友迷人、聪明,又有趣。你小子可真中大奖了。Your girlfriend is attractive, intelligent, and funny. Boy, you really hit the jackpot.

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而后他做了个大赌注,计划建造一座冰下捕鱼房来还清一部分的欠债。He hit a big jackpot . He plans to build a new ice fishing house and pay off some debts.

每周的头奖金额为1500万欧元,如果没有中奖者,奖金将累积入下一轮。The jackpot begins at 15 million euros each week but is rolled over if there is no winner.

由于累积奖金丰厚,预期会有很多买今期的六合彩。We expect there will be lots of people going to buy tickets due to the snowballing jackpot.