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人们认为这是反竞争的行为。It is considered anticompetitive.

谷歌因在专利竞购大战中失利,批评这些交易的达成不利于市场竞争。Google, which lost out in the bidding, criticized the deal as an anticompetitive strategy.

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谷歌也没有像几年来其他一些科技巨头那样因为反竞争经营策略而被起诉。And unlike other technology giants in years past, Google has not been accused of anticompetitive tactics.

消除两家处于市场中领导地位的公司间势均力敌的竞争可能导致单方面的反竞争效应。The elimination of head-to-head competition between two leading firms may result in unilateral anticompetitive effects.

不过,联邦贸易委员会表示,如果谷歌有非法捆绑销售或其他违反竞争的行为,委员会将迅速作出反应。The FTC said, however, that it would act quickly 'should Google engage in unlawful tying or other anticompetitive conduct.'

超过15年前,联邦监管机构就开始使微软成为高科技产业中反竞争行为的标志。More than 15 years ago, federal regulators began making Microsoft the symbol of anticompetitive behavior in the tech industry.

另一方面,可以认为,全球化进程和基于谢尔曼参议员的理念而实行的联邦监督减少了兼并活动对竞争的不利影响。On the other, globalization and federal oversight in the spirit of Senator Sherman has arguably diminished their anticompetitive effects.

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“微软通过反竞争策略,滥用和扩展其优势地位已有时日,”他在一次声明中说。"Microsoft has a long history of abusing and extending its dominant positions through anticompetitive practices, " he said in a statement.

对非价格广告的限制亦有可能是非法的,只要有证据表明这种限制有反竞争性的影响同时又没有正当的商事抗辩理由。Restrictions on non-price advertising also may be illegal if the evidence shows the restrictions have anticompetitive effects and lack reasonable business justification.

自有品牌既具有促进竞争的效应,又具有反竞争的效应,最终福利效应取决于反垄断机关对具体案例的分析和评估。Private brand has likely anticompetitive harms and likely procompetitive benefits, the end welfare effects need to be judged on a case-by-case basis by anti-trust bureaucracy.

微软诉讼中一些细节包括了谷歌在搜索服务中的和竞争原则相违背的做法,这些做法也存在于在线广告和智慧手机软件等业务中。The litany of particulars in Microsoft’s complaint, the company’s lawyers say, includes claims of anticompetitive practices by Google in search, online advertising and smartphone software.

专利池同时也具有潜在的限制竞争的效应,如专利池具有主导甚至垄断倾向、方便卡特尔行为、可能蔽护无效专利及阻碍创新等。Patent pools also have potential anticompetitive effects, such as having the inclination of dominant even monopoly, facilitating cartel, may cover invalid patents and hindering innovation, etc.

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他们还要求如果专利未得到“充分利用”,或如果专利拥有人以被视为反竞争方式的使用专利,专利持有人必须向其它生产者发放专利许可。They also force patent holders to license their patents to other producers if patents aren't 'fully exploited' or if patent owners are deemed to be using the patents in an anticompetitive manner.