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使用右舷船头导缆孔。Use fairlead on starboard bow.

把船操纵使风对右舷船尾。Keep wind on starboard quarter.

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在船上,“右边”指的是右舷。On a ship, "right" is "starboard".

使用右舷船尾导缆孔。Use fairlead on starboard quarter.

我们正右舷抢风行驶。We were sailing on starboard tack.

船的右舷突然倾侧。The boat gave a lurch to starboard.

右舷甲板水管道断裂。Water pipe in starboard deck leaking.

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把右舷后面两艘拖船绑牢。Make fast two tugs on starboard quarter.

右舷救生艇海锚生锈腐烂。Sea anchor in starboard lifeboat rotted.

右甲板连到消防栓皮龙管破损。Hoses to hydrants in starboard deck worn.

修理右舷甲板水管道。Repair leaking water pipe in starboard deck.

把停靠左舷的前拖船绑牢。Make fast forward tug alongside on starboard.

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由于风的原因航向偏右。The course deviates to starboard due to wind.

你船须将绳梯装在右舷侧。You must rig Jacob's ladder on starboard side.

大浪把上甲板右舷梯子冲走。The wave washed away the ladder on the starboard.

它击中了右舷船中几乎我们。It struck us on the starboard side almost amidships.

锚机右舷机架折断了。The starboard side frame of the windlass is fracture.

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于船首及船尾两侧各设一支不锈钢316系缆羊角用于系泊。There is a S. S 316 cavel for bow, starboard and port.

登月舱的右舷防陷垫和联络探测器。The lunar module's starboard footpad and contact probe.

白色的冰冷的水在右舷一边泛著泡沫飞溅著。White icily -cold water foamed over the starboard side.