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她不准她的孩子们吃糖。She forbade her children sweets.

学校的希勒尔禁止它。The school of Hillel forbade it.

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他禁止儿子使用他的汽车。He forbade his son to use his car.

押送他的警察不让他跟我说话。His police escort forbade him to speak to me.

你定是吃了我禁吃的树桌子了?Have you eaten from the tree which I forbade you?

政府禁止加开火车。The government forbade the running of extra trains.

典礼组织者禁止他发表这样的言论。The ceremony’s organizers forbade him to deliver the speech.

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古代的王法禁止普通人穿黄色的衣服。The imperial laws forbade the ordinary people to wear yellow.

杨恩德里认为我们把你扔回去比较好,但是男孩没让。Yandry said we ought to throw you back, but the lad forbade it.

塔纳要闯进去带走帕莱,西瓦母亲不允,赶走了他。Going into the tana away, west mother forbade it, get rid of him.

她让他握着手,但不许他有过份亲密的行动。She allowed him to hold her hand, but forbade him any intimacies.

妈妈禁止男孩把他弟弟带到屋外去。Mother forbade the boy to walk his younger brother out of the room.

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奇奥塞斯库还禁止对国家的血液供应进行艾滋病的检测。Ceausescu also forbade testing of the nation’s blood supply for AIDS.

图书管理员禁止这些书带出阅览室。The librarian forbade these books to be taken out of the reading-room.

在2004年,国务院曾禁止新高尔夫球场的建设。In 2004, the State Council forbade the construction of new golf courses.

地方和国家法律禁止使用新的,节约劳动力的机器。Local and national laws forbade the use of new, labour-saving machinery.

政府禁止咖啡输往穆斯林教的国家,事实上,咖啡的运输是非法的。The government forbade transportation of the plant out of the Moslem nations.

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实际上,南北双方的军队都禁止招募女性。Both the Union and Confederate armies actually forbade the enlistment of women.

他不许孩子们吃糖果,因为他不希望他们的牙齿蛀坏。He forbade his children sweets because he didn't want their teeth to be ruined.

所以使徒禁止基督教徒去向一个异教徒的士师请求裁判。Hence the Apostle forbade the faithful to go to law before an unbelieving judge.