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并感受其一片漆黑的庄严And feel its total dark sublime

一个是宏伟的,另一个是崇高的。The one is magnificent, the other sublime.

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我不知道康德之崇高指的是什么。I didn’t know what the Kantian sublime was.

才能使我们共同的崇高理想实现!To achieve our common sublime ideal at last!

天堂里的一切都应当是绝对庄严的。Everything in Heaven should be utterly sublime.

有时,美酒佳肴会用“sublime”来形容。Good food and wine are sometimes called sublime.

这种升华可能骇人,不过并不超常。The sublime may be frightening, but it is not uncanny.

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锡金正法之门在此开启。The gate to the sublime Dharma was therefore opened there.

这明亮的,双玫瑰花型的牡丹花有一种极其的芳香味。The luminous, double-rose flowers have a sublime fragrance.

“好”这字眼在这儿用得不恰当,你应该说“崇高”。"Good" is not the word for it.You ought to have said "sublime".

加的奶油是刚挤的牛奶﹐结果是完美无比。He's added cream straight from the cow and the result is sublime.

它紧邻庄严的历史博物馆,也横跨过卢埃斯河。It was next to sublime History Museum and across the River Reuss.

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他们凭着神奇的力量和大无畏的英雄气概经受了考验。They withstood the tests with wonderful power and sublime heroism.

克里德做了几十个采访后得出的结论可没有这么高尚。Currid’s conclusion, based on dozens of interviews, is less sublime.

我总是羡慕来自神圣都柏林的奥蒙德那些高尚的作品。J'ai toujours admire la supreme l'oeuvre ormonde du sublime Dublinois.

我那时还真不知道康德式的盲目到底是个什么东西。Maybe related to Key lime. I didn’t know what the Kantian sublime was.

在最壮烈的时刻,人的内心会产生多么奇特的矛盾!Strange contradictions of the human heart at its most sublime moments.

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大海的宽容与壮美的海岸石丰韵独具。The tolerance and the sublime of the seacoast stone hold's unique charm.

有些动人的幻想也许真是最神圣的现实。There are some touching illusions which are, perhaps, sublime realities.

前一天他母亲穿戴一件高雅的连衣裙去插足舞会了。Yesterday his mother wore a sublime dress even asll asnt the ppaintingsy.