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它是爆炸式的喷发。It’s an explosive eruption.

喷发后的圣海伦斯火山Mount St. Helens After Eruption

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它最后一次大喷发是在1918年。Its last major eruption was in 1918.

火山爆发是冰岛复仇记?A volcanic eruption — Iceland's revenge?

史载最后一次喷发发生于1846年。The last recorded eruption took place in 1846.

罗马庞贝城毁于火山爆发。Pompeii was destroyed by an eruption of volcano.

锡纳朋山的喷发非常突然。The eruption of Mount Sinabung came as a surprise.

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几天以后,维苏威火山猛烈爆发了。A few days later, Vesuvius was in violent eruption.

一位科学家用“打了个饱嗝”来形容该次火山喷发。One scientist described the eruption as a "hiccup."

这次的大爆发使火山灰云冲上2万尺的高空。A huge eruption sentclouds of ash 20,000 feet in the air.

此次喷发造成18人死亡,还有58人受伤。The eruption killed 18 people, and 58 people were injured.

活火山爆发是一种可怕的自然现象。The eruption of an active volcano is a terrible phenomenon.

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腾冲火山群是我国目前仍具喷发危险的火山群。There is a eruption risk of Tengchong volcano in our country.

是若干年前火山喷发型成的火山岛。The island was formed by volcanic eruption at a long time ago.

到现在为止,弗兰克林可能会对本周发生的火山爆发有点失望。So far, Franklin would be disappointed by this week's eruption.

这是一段时间以来第一次直接吹向地球的强太阳风暴。It's the first major Earth-directed eruption in quite some time.

目前,火山喷发物对人体健康并不构成威胁。Currently, the volcanic eruption is not a threat to human health.

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据电视2台称,该火山上次喷发是在2004年。The last eruption of the volcano was in 2004, TV2 Iceland reported.

为什么近期冰岛的火山爆发制造了这么多火山灰?Why did the recent volcanic eruption in Iceland create so much ash?

希韦卢奇火山上一次灾难性喷发是1956年。Xiwei Lucci catastrophic volcanic eruption is the last time in 1956.