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猫会不会得红眼病?。Can the cat get a pinkeye?

如何预防红眼病?How can you prevent pinkeye?

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啊呀你又得红眼病了?。Aw, did you get pinkeye again?

看得红眼病的人的眼睛会不会也被传染呢?。Take a look on that can the eye getting the pinkeye people be also infected woollen cloth?

分享面巾是一个让结膜炎感染的有效的途径。Sharing face towels is a great way to get conjunctivitis, the infection also known as pinkeye.

红眼病并非所有的都是良性----部分患者出现了惧光的症状,甚至会有视力的损失。Pinkeye isn't always benign — a number of patients end up with light sensitivity and even vision loss.

我们用腺病毒做了一种快速测试----如果你是被病毒所侵袭,那么我们治疗的方法和由细菌感染的红眼病的治疗方法完全不同。We do a rapid test for adenovirus — if that's what you have, we treat it very differently than if your pinkeye is bacterial.

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每次用干净的毛巾擦脸。和别人共用毛巾是导致结膜炎的主要途径,这种传染病也叫红眼病。Use a fresh towel every time you wipe your face. Sharing face towels is a great way to get conjunctivitis, the infection also known as pinkeye.

在过去的几年里,研究者调查了肥胖与叫做腺病毒-36普通病毒之间的可能联系,这种病毒来自可以导致人类感冒的病毒家族。For several years, researchers have looked at a possible link between obesity and this common virus, called adenovirus-36, from a family of viruses that cause colds and pinkeye in people.

感染了这个,雀类就会昏昏欲睡,精神不振,还伴随着严重的结膜炎症,也就是红眼病。But they are susceptible to infection with something called Mycoplasma gallisepticum, a bug that leaves them lethargic and sporting a bad case of conjunctivitis, otherwise known as pinkeye.