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我很讨厌他的势利眼。I am sick of his snobbery.

你觉得“音乐势利”存在吗?Do you think "music snobbery" exists?

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她的势利令她没有朋友。Her snobbery has rendered her friendless.

他这个人明显有一股势利小人的气味。He had a definite strain of snobbery in him.

音乐势利是独立音乐的里程碑。Music snobbery is a cornerstone of indie music.

书中欧洲人对金钱的势利无处不在。European snobbery about money permeates the books.

自我强化的势利因子开始起作用了。An element of self-reinforcing snobbery is at work.

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他已经因为另一种势利感受到攻击了。He's attacked as a result of another kind of snobbery.

因此,家庭出身的势利感在各地都在衰落之中。Thus, the snobbery of family is everywhere on the decline.

的确,美国人对社会地位或不同工作没有什么势利眼。There is certainly not much social snobbery or job snobbery.

势利的英帝国堤坝阻挡着狂怒的有色人种的海洋。The dikes of imperial snobbery hold back a raging sea of color.

奥威尔在穷酸的氛围中被带大。Orwell was thus brought up in an atmosphere of impoverished snobbery.

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实际上,他们所做的是从教育中剔除某些势利课程。In practice, what they do is take away some of the snobbery from education.

如果是这样的话,你觉得音乐势利会在独立音乐里是普遍存在的吗?If so, do you think that music snobbery is more prevalent within indie music?

这种势利的有害影响正迅速扩散到全世界。The malefic influences, of this snobbery are rapidly spreading all over the world.

每种势利感都要求其信徒作出不懈的努力,一个接一个的牺牲。Every snobbery demands of its, devotees unceasing efforts, a succession of sacrifices.

我不认为你在美国能有那么强烈的感觉,在英国,我们有一种挑衅的势利感。We have a particular type of snobbery in England I don't think you have so much in America.

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在中国大致的社会等级中,这有点俗不可耐的城市气,可是还会持续多久呢?In China's supposedly classless society it is a little bit of urban snobbery. But for how much longer?

也许对某些毁容或致命地疾病从来没有使人感到势利。There are certain disfiguring and mortal diseases about which there has probably never been any snobbery.

美国以没有阶级的社会而著称。人们对社会地位的高低和工作性质的贵贱通常很少歧视和偏见。The USA is reputed to be a classless society. There is certainly not much social snobbery or job snobbery.