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——评论海地大地震。On the Haiti earthquake.

海地死于霍乱的人数上升至917。Cholera death toll in Haiti hits 917.

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但海地特大灾害的情况并非如此。Not so for the mega-disaster in Haiti.

海地将会遇到像钟表齿轮一样一连串的问题。Haiti will be facing storms like clockwork.

不知怎么的,我就觉得海地在召唤我。Out of nowhere, I felt Haiti calling to me.

她开始说海地克里奥尔语。She begins speaking in the Creole of Haiti.

海地角海地北部位于大西洋的一座城市。A city of northern Haiti on the Atlantic Ocean.

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在以前,法国强加的巨债扼杀了海地的发展。France imposed a huge debt that strangled Haiti.

他是联合国海地特使。He is the United Nations special envoy to Haiti.

震后海地穷人健康得到较好关注。Poor get better health care in post-quake Haiti.

至今海地已有796人死于霍乱。So far 796 people have died of cholera in Haiti.

上山刨的地,当地人叫“海地”。Plane of the mountain, the locals called "Haiti."

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海地宣布复检大选票数以抑制社会骚乱。Haiti announces vote tally recheck to stem unrest.

连海地的总统也被逼要逃往非洲去。The president of Haiti is forced to flee to Africa.

到了冬天,女神终于忍不住跑到了地府看望海地士。until winter, she finally went to Haiti to see him.

而在海地当时的情况下,则没有时间来得及做任何事情”。In the case of Haiti there was no time for anything.

震后两周海地被埋男子获救。Man rescued from Haiti rubble two weeks after quake.

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而去年在海地巴克尔总共度过了140天。Barker wound up spending 140 days in Haiti last year.

救济海地的人民和动物的远大目标Surpassing Goals for Animal and Human Welfare in Haiti

但从那时起,海地留下了奴隶制的遗痕。But the legacy of slavery has scarred Haiti ever since.