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谣言并非都是没根没据的。Rumors are not totally groundless.

而钱氏之说是缺乏根据的。But Qian's proposal was groundless.

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这些话实际上毫无根据,似是而非的。Such talk is actually specious and groundless.

我们断然否认这种无理指责。We categorically reject this groundless charge.

我听了这些风言风语后,对她想入非非。After I heard these groundless talk , crackpot to her.

批驳一个没有根据的论点并不难。It's not difficult to tear down a groundless argument.

一位部级官员称这篇报道纯属子虚乌有。A ministry official described the report as groundless.

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但另一名官员说,这种断言是站不住脚的。But another official said such assertions are groundless.

第一部分主要介绍幼稚教育改革的背景。The reform of this preschool education is not groundless.

这个调皮的男孩很不老实,他的借口一点儿也站不住脚.This naughty boy is very dishonest. His excuses are groundless.

毫无实践的虚无理论,根本经不起验证.自谓迷徒,实乃自以为是看破时间万物的一个傻孩子。Groundless and empty theory can never stand the test of practice.

有关报道毫无根据,是别有用心的。Relevant report is totally groundless and out of ulterior motives.

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作为一名拥护者大坝的我认为所有这些担心是毫无根据的。As an advocator of the Dam I think all these worries are groundless.

韩方的要求是毫无道理、毫无根据的。The request of the Sough Korean side is unreasonable and groundless.

有些人想炒作这个问题,将其政治化是没有道理的。It is groundless that some attempt to play up and politicize the issue.

笔者认为后人对“嘉祐之治”之称述并非毫无根据。The author thinks that the praises on Jiayou were not utterly groundless.

你不能以主观臆断作为你的论据。You should not rest your argument upon subjective and groundless conclusions.

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空炮,对形势作出了过于乐观的分析。I then made some groundless remarks, assessing the situation over-optimistically.

将杜十娘之悲剧归结为封建礼教的观点,是空泛而脱离文本的。It is vague and groundless to attribute DU Shi-niang's tragedy to the feudal ethics.

身子还软,要被别的螃蟹吃去的,这并非空害怕,他实在亲眼见过。This fear was not groundless for he himself had really seen it happen to other moulting crabs.