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引用上司的联合署名加以强调。Add clout by having a superior co-sign.

内利先生在这一带很有影响力。Mr. Neely has a lot of clout around here.

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由于中国的影响力增强,美国的影响力相应的减弱。As China's clout grows, that of the US dwindles.

中国绝不吝于运用其日益增长的经济影响力。China is not shy of using its growing economic clout.

上面例子中的那名销售人员就根本没有底气。The salesperson in the example above didn't have clout.

拜恩义玛作为今年年会的共同主席之一,将会有着更大的影响力。Byanyima has extra clout as a co-chair of this year's meeting.

而国会也在执政官的更大的影响下被贬的一无是处。The Knesset has been debased by the executive's greater clout.

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有实力的广告主更愿意关起门来和Google说话。Advertisers with clout prefer to negotiate behind closed doors.

八国集团有影响这些决定的手段和力量。The G8 has the leverage and the clout to shape these decisions.

英特尔希望其在电脑市场上势力可以帮助它领先于竞争者。Intel hopes its clout in the PC market will put it ahead of competitors.

在他过去的八个赛季里,没有人比他拥有更多的教练权力。In his eight seasons, James has not had a coach with more clout than him.

杜布森对成功启发和影响基督教保守派们始终乐此不疲。Mr Dobson has long enjoyed unrivalled clout with Christian conservatives.

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NIC相对肯定地认为,欧盟可能在2025年“丧失政治影响力”。The NIC appears relatively certain the EU will be "losing clout" by 2025.

那是我阿玛额娘的缘分命中注定。That is me Ma sum the predestination of the Niang in the clout to predestine.

影响力远胜卫生部门的领导人也发表了类似的看法。Leaders in sectors with far more clout than health are making a similar point.

与媒体有着广泛联系的李季晚是其他“造星”竞争者最畏惧的对手。Because of his clout with the media, Lee, is the starmaker competitors fear most.

这样他们既合法又有影响力能解决几乎所有问题。Toge ther they would have the legitimacy and the clout to tackle almost any issue.

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但是私人投资者受到工会的这政治上的强烈恐吓。But private investors may have been durably scared by the union's display of clout.

Eichengreen说,从长期来说,建立起人民币的全球影响力是大有益处的。Eichengreen says establishing the renminbi's global clout is good in the long term.

安倍晋三在两年前辞去首相之职后失去了大部分的影响力。Abe lost most of his clout after abruptly resigning as prime minister two years ago.