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她现在看起来茫然而笨拙。She looks vacant and ungainly.

他迈著笨拙的大步子行走。He walked in long ungainly strides.

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可能他看上去的确有点笨拙。He could indeed look a little ungainly.

我们来证明下面的冗长的技术性的引理。We shall prove the following ungainly technical lemma.

他把那肥大的身体探过桌子弯下来。He bent the whole of his ungainly person across the table.

这是需要技术的,要不图形会很难看的!This technology is necessary, or the graph will be ungainly.

那只丑陋的杂种幼犬在马路上到处乱跑。The dog, an ungainly mongrel pup , was loping about the road.

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乌龟在陆地上很笨拙,但是在水里却很灵活。On land the turtle is ungainly , but in the water it is very agil.

我个人觉得检控官和愤怒,但是每个自己。Personally, I find them ungainly and annoying, but to each their own.

如同之前那个女人的下场,圣彼得把第二个女人跟他带来的丑男人绑在一起。As above woman befell, whereafter , the second woman chain with the ungainly man.

努纳是一种不会飞的禽,原产于纳布沼泽,其笨拙的步态很滑稽。Comical in their ungainly gait, nunas are flightless fowl native to the swamps of Naboo.

结果是这些作品在那些没有被作者感染的听众耳中显得拙劣不堪。In consequence they seem to hearers who are in no wise affected to act in an ungainly way.

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食蚁兽东窜西钻,姿态笨拙,好像是上帝用创世时剩下的材料拼凑出来的。Anteaters, so ungainly they appear put together with parts left over from the Creation, bustle about.

正如你能想象在你的代码,保持所有这一切将会变得相当笨拙,难以维持。As you can imagine, keeping track of all this in your code would be quite ungainly and difficult to maintain.

如果你强壮健康,在体育界你会做得更好,然后变成一个有点笨拙的人。If you are naturally athletic, you will do better in the sports arena, then the person who is a bit ungainly.

你的舞伴可能还只是步点不稳,可是我的舞伴简直就奔得不像样。跟她比大象简直就是芭蕾舞演员。Your partner may be a floundering dancer, but my partner is so ungainly. She makes an elephant look like a ballerina.

它们呈沙黄色,上面些有些水晶般的斑点,被堆成难看的,杂乱无章的石堆。They are sandy yellow in colour, covered with crystalline flecks, and are folded into large ungainly incoherent heaps.

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作为国防部长在乔治HW布什,切尼四次试图杀死海军陆战队的笨拙的倾转旋翼飞机。As Defense Secretary under George H. W. Bush, Cheney tried four times to kill the Marine Corps's ungainly tilt-rotor aircraft.

由多国政府组成的机构有时能膨胀到臃肿不堪的地步,但却不能缩减到适于驾驭的程度。Inter-governmental bodies could expand, sometimes to ungainly and unwieldy proportions, but could not shrink to more manageable numbers.

但是,如果仔细地分析和开发跑步动作的每一个细节,即使是最没长进的跑步者也可以有所提高。However, if each component of the running action is carefully analyzed and developed, even the most ungainly runners can find improvement.