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我妈妈脸上一丝表情也没有。My mom's face was emotionless.

怎样做一个没有情感的人?How to do an emotionless person?

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人能不能没有情感这东西啊!Person can emotionless this thing!

破碎的眼睛,没有感情的注视。The shattered glasses. The emotionless stare.

世界上真的有人没有情感吗?。Is the true somebody on the world emotionless?

人世间真的没有就没有情感拉吗?Don't have really between the world emotionless pull?

他残酷无情地抹消证人和证物。He eliminates evidence and witnesses with brutal, emotionless efficiency.

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从表面上看,他钢铁般意志维持着他,因为他看上去没有受到影响。Outwardly he gives off a steely and emotionless vibe, as if he's unaffected.

毕竟,我们都是有有肉的人类,而非毫无感觉的机器。After all, we are human beings with flesh and blood, not emotionless machines.

我们会变成乏味,冷漠的空壳吗,或者我们要躲避它,住在一座山上?Do we turn into lifeless, emotionless shells, or do we retreat and live in a mountain?

怎样才能使自己不心动?在任何情况下没有情感波动?How can ability make him not enchanted? Is the for love or money emotionless fluctuant?

电梯门开了,有个女孩子木然地站在门外。The elevator door opened and there was a girl standing outside with a emotionless face.

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他面无表情地坐在靠背长凳上,等待礼拜的结束,等待着圣会的散场。He sat emotionless in the pew for the remainder of the service, waiting for the congregation to exit.

她说如果我去脱衣舞俱乐部,她不会介意,因为去那我不过是逢场作戏,与心无关。She said she didn't mind if I went to strip clubs because it's an emotionless experience — it's purely physical.

但在同时,我们看见科学家们被嘲弄为昏头昏脑的书呆子或者冰冷无情、没有激情的怪物制造者。Yet at the same time, we see scientists derided as fuzzy-brained eggheads or as coldly ruthless, emotionless makers of monsters.

中国人和日本人说英语的最大缺陷是他们经常听起来木然、缺乏情感。One of the biggest flaws in the way both Chinese and Japanese speak English is that their speech can often sound wooden and emotionless.

当我第一次看到教练时,我惊奇于如此一张毫无表情的脸,她有典型的游泳运动员身材,宽肩窄臀,肌肉发达。When I first saw our coach, I was surprised to see such an emotionless face. She was built like a swimmer, with broad, muscular shoulders and narrow hips.

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为什么总想用最真的心换来一个最真的回报却是如此的难。现在这个世上就没有情感可言吗?Why always wanting to use the truest heart to trade a the truest get one's own back is however such difficult. Now on this world emotionless but character?

虽然有人会在第一遍时有些不解甚至无感,那就不去管它,再看一遍,多花一点时间深入思索,你一定会有所感触的并且喜欢上它的。Even if anyone walks out a bit confused or emotionless the first time, let it soak in, see it again, give some extra time to process what you saw, and I'm sure it will grow on you.