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生活就像棋局,提前想好才会赢。In life, as in chess, forethought wins.

有了智慧和深谋远虑,最终才会赢得胜利。In the end, wisdom and forethought will win.

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有时达尔文的发现多是出于偶然而非预见性的。Sometimes Darwin's discoveries owed more to fortuity than forethought.

因此我希望借着开始写这本书也构思一下讲座的内容。So I hope to combine forethought on that lecture with a start on the book.

普罗米修斯不只将火种赐与人间,他的名字也意味着“深谋远虑”。Prometheus was not only the giver of fire. His name also means "forethought".

没有任何人会事先计划或是花一整天的时间在烹饪上。Not everyone has the forethought or an entire day to dedicate to a cooking marathon.

一个好的答案所需要的谋划时间远远超过通常的考试所允许的时间。And a good answer requires much more forethought than the usual exam schedule allows.

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商家在使用这项技术之前需要深思熟虑,但它看上去很简单,也很安全。Google's technology requires a little forethought from the merchant, but seems simple and safe in its execution.

惊喜不属于单亲母亲,所以有一点点的深谋远虑将对她们的提前准备有益处,能以防万一。Surprises are not the single mother's best-friend, so a little forethought will help to keep her prepared, just in case.

只要运用一些先进的技术,您就可以把它变得温暖、舒适、像家里的其他房间一样吸引人。With some forethought and good techniques, you can make it as warm, comfortable and inviting as any other room in the house.

在创建工件时,重用总是需要一些预先计划,而且这一原则通常可以应用于测试管理。Reuse always requires some forethought when creating artifacts, and this principle can be applied in test management generally.

虽然一份理想的工作听上去遥不可及,但是只要有足够多的前瞻性和准备,人们就能采取正确的行动。As unattainable as a dream job might sound, with the right amount of forethought and preparation, you can make the move as well.

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简单需要更多的构思和计划,因为您必须认真考虑哪些内容应该包含在您的演讲中,哪些内容可以被排除在外。Simplicity takes more forethought andplanning on your part because you have to think very hard about what to includeand what can be left out.

这种程度的预想是基本要求,Darren如是说,其实大多数摄影家在拍摄之前就对其所要捕捉的画面有了一个很好的概念。This degree of forethought is essential, Darren says, and most photographers will have some idea of the shot they are looking for well before they start taking pictures.

在不断提高自身素质的同时,项律师以遍布全国的校友、同学为基础,领导该所以极具前瞻性的协作理念创建了“全国法律协作网”。Based on the schoolfellows spreading all over the country, the firm, Led by Attorney Xiang, has established "the National Network of Legal Cooperation" with forethought of cooperation.

新时期应注重对大学生国防精神的培育,树立居安思危、有备无患的忧患意识,这对国家安全、经济建设和社会稳定等都具有直接的现实意义。Undergraduates cultivation of national defence spirit should be emphasized to establish their awareness that people should be vigilant in peace time and that forethought prevents calamity.