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不要低估匆匆性爱的影响力。Never underestimate the power of a quickie.

玛丽和杰克结婚了,他们的婚礼草草了事。Mary and Jack married, their wedding was a quickie.

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你想去海地快速离婚是为了我们的精神健康?。You want to fly to haiti for a quickie divorce just for our psyches?

如果你有了孩子,就没有了在沙发上激情一刻的私密空间。If you've got kids, there's not enough privacy for a quickie on the couch.

对“友好”的简单定义是“和蔼的,以他人为重”的。A quickie definition of 'friendly' would be being nice to, and interested in, other people.

你需要尊重她的这种感受并且时不时地和她随战速决几次。You need to try and respect that feeling and indulge her with a quickie every once in a while.

诚然,速战速决有它的好处,但是对于女性来说,性爱的时间越长,产生的快感就越多。Though quickie sex has its place, for women on the whole, the longer sex takes, the better it feels.

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由于它使你们将为人父母的感受与做夫妻的感受紧密相连,所以即使是三分钟的快乐,也比根本不过性生活好出许多。Even a three-minute quickie is better than not having sex at all because it keeps you connected as lovers as well as parents.

报道指出,对报道认证的缺少并没有停止制作人把这些拙劣的材料放在一起。The lack of confirmation, this report notes, didn't stop the show's producers from putting together a quickie tribute montage.

结婚快8年的夫妻两人上个月“闪电离婚”,在高级法庭上结束了他们的结合。The couple, who were married for almost eight years, had a "quickie divorce" last month, finalised when their decree nisi was read out in the high court.

不过York在上周晚些时候告诉路透,"若联邦政府安排通用汽车进行全面的和快捷的破产申请,这也并非无法想像.""It is not inconceivable that the federal government could decide to orchestrate a cram-down, quickie bankruptcy filing," York told Reuters late last week.

最忙的时段是在上午,西装笔挺的白人在上班路上,或是午饭时间偷偷溜出来匆匆了事。The busiest times were early in the morning when white men in business suits were on their way to work, or during lunch time when they could sneak off for a quickie.

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上海最严楼市新政实施已有半个多月,为避开更严格的购房限制而匆忙闪离的人日益增多。Two weeks after Shanghai implemented its most rigid property control measures, more couples have rushed to get quickie divorces to avoid tougher regulations on home purchases.

你的挑战就是要在15分钟内掌握好高潮的艺术,把笨拙的前戏或是短暂的性行为变成在2个小时候后她仍在颤抖的爆发。Your challenge is to master the art of the 15-minute orgasm, turning the pre-work fumble or half-time quickie into an explosion that she’s still shuddering from two hours later.

一般来说,一个怀孕的妈咪能够快速的临盆,一般已经有几个小时,几天甚至一星期的无痛宫缩,子宫颈已经逐渐打开了。Often, an expectant mom who appears to have a quickie labor has actually been having painless contractions for hours, days, even weeks, contractions that have been dilating her cervix gradually.