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他便是,你的蓝颜知己。He is, your male confidant.

知己这两个字就是为你而取的。Confidant is just for you living.

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向你的密友倾诉你的焦虑。Share your anxieties with a confidant.

难道女人就不需要蓝颜知己么?Does the woman not need male confidant?

她可以大胆地告诉她的家人,她是你的红颜知已吗?Does she can tell her family she is your female confidant?

否则怎么又会有“人生得以知己足矣”的感叹!How else would have" life can be confidant suffice " plaint!

佩莱昂忠心耿耿地服务于索龙身旁,如同他的至亲密友。Pellaeon served loyally at Thrawn's side as his trusted confidant.

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后用“高山流水”比喻知音或知己。Later, "The elegant music" as a metaphor bosom friend or confidant.

他的大学舍友,他的生意伙伴,他的作家同行,他的私密知己。His college roommate. His business partner. A fellow writer. His closest confidant.

如果男人可以有红颜知已,请问女人可以有蓝颜知已吗?If the man can have a female confidant , Does the woman can have a male confidant ?

她把我当作知己,于是,我便将她和情人之间的争吵了解得一清二楚。She had chosen me for her confidant and I learned all about her quarrels with her lover.

奥马尔·苏莱曼是一名前情报部门负责人,也是穆巴拉克最亲密的心腹之一。Omar Suleiman, a former intelligence chief, Mubarak is one of the most intimate confidant.

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委员会主席,弥撒尔亲王,一个非苏戴瑞系的长者,是国王的亲信。The council's chair, Prince Mishal, a senior non-Sudairi, is a close confidant of the king.

有时她一天会给他写三次信,但没有密友的帮助,她根本写不下来。Some- times she would write to him three times a day, but she could not do without a confidant.

梅格是艾美的知己和监护人,也许是一种性格上的异性相吸吧,乔和温柔的贝思又是一对。Meg was Amy's confidant and monitor, and by some strange attraction of opposites Jo was gentle Beth's.

如果男人可以有红颜知已,请问女人可以有蓝颜知已吗?不现实,也不公平吧!If the man can have a female confidant, Does the woman can have a male confidant?Unpractical, also unfair!

近日,偶遇一知己红颜,我们在茶吧品茗时,谈了很多关于爱情的话题。Recently, a confidant roots of encounters, we have tea at the tea bar, the talk a lot about the topic of love.

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其次,请问有哪个女人想成为别的男人的“红颜知已”,不管这个女人是否结婚。Secondly, Which woman want to become other men's "female confidant", please?Whether this woman is married or not.

黑亮的身躯,象牙的唇颚及马蹄,安格斯是梅莉达强健的坐骑、忠诚的伙伴。Black as night with ivory muzzle and fetlocks, Angus is Merida's powerful Clydesdale and her most trusted confidant.

在史密斯倾吐内心的恐惧与不平时,康利不时地扮演了朋友,保护人和知心人的角色。As Smith spilled out his fears and frustrations, Conley alternately played the roles of friend, protector and confidant.