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我的姑姑是一个兽医。My aunt is a vet.

一名兽医来帮忙了。A vet comes to help.

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一名兽医是一位动物医生。A vet is an animal doctor.

他决心要成为一名兽医。He made up his mind to be a vet.

兽医把伤牛利索地杀死了。A vet dispatched the injured cow.

兽医临时凑成了一副马具。The vet had improvised a harness.

审查云计算供应商。Vet the cloud computing provider.

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胜利者是一名兽医。他爱他的宠物。Victor is a vet. He loves his pet.

兽医把那匹受伤的马杀了。A vet dispatched the injured horse.

艾伦是一名兽医,昨晚召之即来。Alan was the vet on call last night.

我们得搭便车去看兽医。We're going to hitchhike to the vet.

你今天可以带咪咪去看兽医吗?Would you take Zoey to the vet today?

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马上带狗狗去见兽医。Immediately transport the dog to a vet.

狗咬了兽医,却还露出得意的狞笑。Feels so proud of his dog biting the vet.

第二天,我把这只小狗带到了兽医那里。The next day I took the puppy to the vet.

圣诞老人带着可怜的Rudolph到了兽医诊所。Santa Claus brings poor Rudolph to the vet.

首先,兽医要带马儿散步。The vet is supposed to walk the horse around.

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我们可以很轻松地看到他们的工作但却很难对此进行审查。Their work is easier to see but harder to vet.

我们会带她去兽医诊所做结扎手术。We'll be taking her to the vet to be neutered.

这些猫从兽医那里拿到了完全合格的健康证书。The cats got a clear bill of health from the vet.