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他有过自得之时,也有过倒运之日。He had his ups and downs.

人的一生中难免有浮沉之时。Life has its ups and downs.

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她举起了自己强壮的手臂。She ups with her brawny arm.

罗勃特,你练习仰卧起坐。Robert, you practice lay ups.

生活总是有起起伏伏。Life is all about ups and downs.

每一种生意均有其荣枯兴衰。Every business has its ups and downs.

他的心情非常复杂,酸甜苦辣都有。He has had his ups and downs in life.

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我已经历了人生的酸甜苦辣。To me , life is full of ups and downs.

每一个人一生中都有沉浮胜衰。Everyong has ups and downs during his life.

我认为,每个人的一生都充满着得失成败。I've had a lot of ups and downs in my life.

拥抱你生活中所有的起起落落。Embrace your life with all the ups and down.

他们在工作的时候也会高兴和低落。They have their ups and downs while working.

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在我漫长的一生中,经过许多盛衰荣辱。In a long life I have had many ups and downs.

在车箱内装满氦气球。Fill the trunk of your car with helium go ups.

在人生的道路上,总会遇到波澜起伏的事情。On the way of life, always meet ups and downs.

Novell的历史充满了起起伏伏。Novell's history has been full of ups and downs.

实时遥测UPS的工作状态。Real time telemetering the working state of UPS.

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他在整个球员生涯中也面临着许多浮浮沉沉。Beckham has had many ups and downs in his career.

当然,孙正义也有自己的人生起伏。Of course, Mr. Son has had his own ups and downs.

我们谈论他的宦海沉浮。We talked about his ups and downs in officialdom.