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Packer被称为卡罗拉多的食人者。Packer is called the cannibal of Colorado.

帕克是一名美国金矿勘探者及食人犯。Packer was an American gold prospector and convicted cannibal.

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然后,她到国王面前去诬告王后,说她是吃人的妖怪。Then she went to the king and accused her of being a cannibal.

新发现的化石证明霸王龙残食同类New fossil evidence supports that Tyrannosaurus rex was a cannibal.

如果食人族能啃食罐头的话,那么他们会地啃食尽可能多罐头…As many cans as a cannibal can nibble if a cannibal can nibble cans.

另一个版本则将他们描述为食人肉的土匪,他们以人的皮肤为食并卖掉死者的脂肪。Another version depicts them as cannibal bandits who ate the skin and sold the fat.

食人杀手杰弗里·达默被抓到试图将一片剃须刀片藏在牢房里。Cannibal killer Jeffrey Dahmer has been caught trying to hide a razor blade in his cell.

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那是圣安托万区的杰克三号,一个嗜杀成性、食人生番式的、满怀血腥的陪审员。A life-thirsting, cannibal looking, bloody-minded juryman, the Jacques Three of St. Antoine.

研究表明,这位我们人类最早的祖先很可能是长着长长牙齿的小型“食人魔”。The study shows that the earliest ancestor of human being was probably a toothy little cannibal.

张永明切碎受害者的肉,以消灭一切可能的证据,被媒体称为“食人怪物”。Dubbed as the "cannibal monster" by the media, Yongming cut up his victims' bodies to erase all possible evidence.

随后,斯洛伐克警方派遣卧底假扮成应征者,一举逮捕了这名食人嫌犯。Slovakian police sent in an undercover officer posing as the victim in a sting operation and caught the suspected cannibal.

反正什么有用就听什么,但是说到底莫扎特和约翰·柯川可能比埋葬乐队和食人尸要更能让人静得下来。Listen to whatever works for you, but in the end Mozart and John Coltrane may be more calming than Sepultura or Cannibal Corpse.

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他的头发和衣服都被雪下白了,他那锋利的蛮族的牙齿,因为寒冷和愤怒而呲露着,在黑暗中闪闪发光。His hair and clothes were whitened with snow, and his sharp cannibal teeth, revealed by cold and wrath, gleamed through the dark.

“吃人就成了个较好的解决方案,”她补充提醒说,同类相食并不一定是吃人者杀害了被吃的那人。"This could be a good solution," she added, reminding that cannibalism does not always mean the cannibal killed the consumed individual.

“吃人就成了个较好的解决方案,”她补充提醒说,同类相食并不一定是吃人者杀害了被吃的那人。"This could be a good solution, " she added, reminding that cannibalism does not always mean the cannibal killed the consumed individual.

因勇猛好斗被汉堡球迷昵称为疯狂的食人者的博拉鲁兹,既可以担纲中卫,也可以胜任左后卫位置。Boulahrouz, who can play in centre-back or left-back, was known as "Khalid the Cannibal" by Hamburg fans who loved his aggressive tackling style.

我们看到亨利八世或伊丽莎白女王的装束,就要好笑,仿佛他们是食人岛上的岛王和岛后一样。We are amused at beholding the costume of Henry VIII, or Queen Elizabeth, as much as if it was that of the King and Queen of the Cannibal Islands.

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加勒比海由此得名。另外,因为传闻他们有食人的恶习,“食人者”一词便从西班牙语中的“加勒比人”一词派生出来。The Caribbean Sea was named after them, and, because of their alleged bad habits, the word "cannibal" was derived from a Spanish version of their name.

你可以激活食人族特长,它可以让你以死去的敌人为食来恢复生命值,但是这种恶心的行为要冒着被别人看到的危险。Or the cannibal perk, which lets you feed off of fallen enemies to regain health at the risk of grossing out anyone who glimpses this particularly nasty habit.

PAN使昆虫恢复其孤独习性,困惑并迷失方向,部分昆虫彻底失去食欲,而其它的则变成吃同类的动物,相互残食。PAN caused the insects to resume solitary behaviour. Confused and disoriented, some lost their appetite altogether, while others turned cannibal and ate one other.