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他一脸歉意地笑了笑。He smiled apologetically.

“在壁橱里。”面包师抱歉地说。"He's in the closet, " says the baker, apologetically.

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点头陪笑的男人,是在商务谈判中。The man who nod to smile apologetically is in the business in negotiating.

她充满歉意地解释说,他太累了,无法接待这么多的宾客。She would apologetically explain that he was too tired to receive many visitors.

“我想我该上楼做生物作业了,”她几乎有些歉意地说。"I think I'll go upstairs and do my biology homework, " she said, almost apologetically.

这也是当人们谈到看电视时总是如此后悔如此歉疚的原因。This is one reason people talk about their television viewing so ruefully, so apologetically.

你是很真心地说"谢谢"还是很随意的,几乎没有歉意?Do you say “thank you” like you mean it or do you just say it casually and almost apologetically?

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我问一个服务员我们还能吃饭吗,他抱歉地说他们要打烊了。I asked a waiter if we could get some food and he responded apologetically that they were closing.

“不错,不错,”德?勒赛普斯微笑着,充满敬佩地说,“我觉得我可没有你这么强的预见性。”Kale misunderstood the silence. "I don't think much of this one myself, " he explained apologetically.

我和海伦一起走,罗拉带歉意的拥抱了我一下就跑去另一幢楼去上音乐课了。I walk with Helen. Laura hugs me apologetically and runs off to her music class at the other end ofthe building.

很抱歉在冠军杯决赛前这样一个重要的时刻打扰莫伦特斯,但是我们有一些关于欧锦赛的问题想问问他。We apologetically interrupt him on the eve of the Champions League final to ask him about the Euro 2004 competition.

当我在交通方面犯了错误,由于乱闯而佔用了别的车子的路权时,我会微笑而且道歉地耸起肩。When I pulled a boner in traffic, taking the right-of-way from the other car with my blundering, I'd smile and hunch my shoulders apologetically.

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英特尔对欧盟的指控辩白说,它的行为是正当的,有益于竞争并能够使生产者受益。Intel says apologetically to the accusation of the European Union, its behavior is lawful, be beneficial to competition and can make consumer is benefited.

稍微有些焦了,“每顿饭,母亲都会带着歉意这么说道,同时还端给你一份肉,看上去像是刚从一起悲惨的家宅失火中抢救回来——兴许是一只倍受宠爱的宠物。”"It's a bit burned, " my mother would say apologetically at every meal, presenting you with a piece of meat that looked like something —a much-loved pet perhaps —salvaged from a tragic house fire.