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明年的今天,就是你的祭日!The same day next year is you fete day !

常被宴请表示还有身价!Is often fete means that there are worth!

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他们以冰淇淋和蛋糕庆祝他的康复。They fete his recovery with icecream and cake.

为大使举办了一次盛大的游园会。A large fete was given in honor of the ambassador.

游园义卖会定于星期日举行,风雨无阻。The fete will take place on Sunday, rain or shine.

要是不下雨,义卖会就照常进行。The fete will go ahead provided the rain keeps off.

一个富翁很钦佩,便设宴招待他。A moneybags is admired very much, fete entertains him.

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是当时部队在临战或特定节日的祭祀、祈福的形式。In old times, Junnuo was a kind of fete before battles.

初三、初四,人们开始在家宴请亲朋好友。Third, fourth, people began to home fete relatives and friends.

在游园会结束后,一定要清理掉那些乱丢的废物。After the fete is over all the litter will have to be cleared up.

如果你要举办露天游园会或者招待会。If, however, you were holding an opening air garden party or fete.

那一天我校举行了一年一度的游园活动,到底有什么游戏呢?That day our school held the annual fete activity, what's the game?

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这一节日标志着法国各派系达成了和解。The fete marked a reconciliation of the various factions in France.

我们村里准备举行一次游园会,以筹集经费建造礼堂。Our village is holding a fete to raise funds for the building of the new hall.

我们村里准备举行游园会,以筹资建造新会堂。Our village is holding a fete to raise money for the building of the new hall.

我们村里准备举行游艺会,以筹募经费建造礼堂。Our village is holding a fete to raise money for the building of the new hall.

宴请是国际交往中最常见的交际活动之一。Fete is one of the comm onest intercourse activities in international association.

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公使举办的这个不吉利的庆祝会要夺去我的欢乐,并且把您的话儿打断了。This luckless fete at the ambassador's deprives me of a pleasure and interrupts you.

中西都讲究正式的宴请活动的坐次安排。Chinese and western pay attention to in the formal fete activity of ZuoCi arrangement.

祭祀为礼,祭祀用乐即为礼乐的一种样式。One form of the ritual music is that the fete is the ritual and the fete employs music.