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欢迎进入成年期。Way to welcome in womanhood.

女王,你才是正真的女中豪杰。Queen, as true to womanhood as Queenhood.

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英国妇女气质的真正象征是女王。The true symbol for English womanhood is the Queen.

别的文化尊重这种女孩向女人的转变。Other cultures honor this transition into womanhood.

亚斯巴昔是个兼有女性两个极端性的人。Aspasia was a creature in whom two extremes of womanhood met.

埃伦凯利,处于女子花样年华,又带着孩子般的喜悦。Ellen Kelly, budding with womanhood and childfresh happiness.

他们安顿在了特拉维夫,在那里,阿西亚开放成了年轻的女人。They settled in Tel Aviv, where Assia bloomed into young womanhood.

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如果她还活着,如今应该是个楚楚动人的少女了。If still alive, she must now have been in the flush and bloom of early womanhood.

她是个典型的女权分子,一听见人家说些不尊重妇女的话就会勃然大怒。She is a card-carrying feminist, and flares up at any irreverent remarks on womanhood.

第三章则侧重于对三位新女性形象的分析来说明她们的独立意识。Chapter 3 explores three new women to identify the ever-rising independence of the womanhood as a whole.

撕去了魔力与浪漫面纱的北极之旅变成了对这样的男性和女性而言过分残酷的现实。Shorn of its glamour and romance, Arctic travel became to them a reality too harsh for their manhood and womanhood.

很多时候,是一个执刀的女人——或干净或肮脏的刀——割断了女孩变成女人的梦。In many cases it's a woman that grips the blade -- maybe clean, maybe dirty -- that cuts a girl's path to womanhood.

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不要害怕责任,他是世界上唯一可以使我们成长的东西,他使我们成为真正的男人和女人。Do not dread of responsibility. It is the one thing in the world that develops us, gives us manhood or womanhood fiber.

我们没有涉及孩子或年龄在法律所界定的成年男女的年龄之下的年轻人。We are not speaking of children, or of young persons below the age which the law may fix as that of manhood or womanhood.

随着女孩到女人的转变,女性的鞋跟也从1英寸逐渐增加到23岁时的5英寸。She will start with a low one-inch heel and build up to a towering five inches by the age of 23, as she teeters into womanhood.

第二章再现维多利亚女性理想意象,以便与夏绿蒂对简爱的描绘做一比较。In Chapter Two, I represent the ideal image of womanhood in the early Victorian Age so as to offer a vivid comparison to Jane Eyre.

她的嘴角和眼波中散发出温柔的嫣然笑意,似是涌自她女性的心头。There played around her mouth, and beamed out of her eyes, a radiant and tender smile, that seemed gushing from the very heart of womanhood.

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但是数字显示越来越多的女性延迟了婚姻到自己真正成为一个女人以后,在一些情况下,甚至也全然不顾传统的风俗习惯。But figures show that more and more females are delaying marriage until well into womanhood and, in some cases, forsaking the institution altogether.

虽然中国古代有及笄礼,我从来没有听说过任何女同学庆祝过自己进入成年。Although in the ancient times, China had a "hair-do ceremony" for girls, I never heard about any of my female classmates celebrating her entering womanhood.

在那篇论文里,她主张奥克纳所描写的丑陋,尤其是她小说里女人丑陋的形象,都与南部女子气质的文化有关。And in that essay she argues that O'Connor's grotesqueness, especially the grotesqueness of the women figures in her novels, is all wrapped up with the culture of southern womanhood.