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其时代为早三叠世晚期。Its age is late Early Triassic.

那时已是三叠纪末期。This was towards the end of the Triassic period.

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塔里木—华南地块于中三叠世后裂解。The Tarim south China massif was taphrogensised after Middle Triassic.

板溪群的地层时代到底是元古宙、古生代还是三叠纪?Does the Banxi Group belong to the Proterozoic or Paleozoic or Triassic?

下三叠统罗楼组由泥岩和灰岩组成。The Lower Triassic mudstone and limestone are known as the Luolou Formation.

秦岭造山带形成于晚古生代至三叠纪。The Qinling orogenic belt was formed from the Late Paleozoic to the Triassic.

最大左行走滑活动时期当在中晚三叠世。The forming age of maximum sinistral strike-slip occurred in Middle-Late Triassic.

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这是雅鲁藏布江缝合带三叠纪放射虫的首次报告。This is the first report of Triassic Radiolaria within the Yarlung-Zangbo Suture Zone.

断层、断点可靠,并有清楚的三叠系反射结构。Faults, breakpoints, and the Triassic reflection configurations are readily recognized.

桂东南和桂西南地区中生代三叠纪和白垩纪的火山活动活跃。The Triassic and Cretaceous volcanisms in the southeast and southwest Guangxi were active.

主要发育晚古生代—中生代的地层,尤其是三叠系广泛分布。The strata are mainly late Paleozoic-Mesozoic with widely distribution of Triassic strata.

根据化石记载,恐龙最早出现在三叠纪期间,也就是大约2亿3000万年以前。Dinosaurs first appear in the fossil record during the Triassic period, some 230m years ago.

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塔北沙雅隆起及邻区的中三叠统可划分出披覆构造型勘探层。Middle Triassic in Shaya Uplift and the adjacent area is one of important exploration targets.

民乐浸染状铜矿产于中三叠统灰流型富钠质熔结凝灰岩中。The Minle disseminated Cu deposit is occurred in the Middle Triassic Narich ash flow ignimbrite.

由于三叠纪的环境与古生代不同,非海相双壳类逐渐繁盛起来。As the Triassic the environment and different, non-marine bivalves gradually prosperous together.

牙形刺在三叠纪末期灭绝了,这正是恐龙开始演化的时代。Conodonts went extinct at the end of the Triassic Period, about the time dinosaurs were evolving.

隧道主要通过三迭系、二迭系紫红色软质砂岩、泥岩岩层。It passes mainly through the purple--color soft sandrock and mudstone in Triassic or Dyas Systems.

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哺乳动物与恐龙同时出现于三叠纪末期,即约两亿两千万年前。Both mammals and dinosaurs appeared near the end of the Triassic period, some 220 million years ago.

至关重要的是,急剧下降的阶段与‘晚三叠世蕨类’现象相吻合。Crucially, the period of plummeting coincides with a phenomenon called the late Triassic fern spike.

推覆体是挤压环境下的产物,它形成于晚三叠世末期的印支运动。Nappes are products formed in the compressional State by Indo-China movement in late Triassic Period.