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我建议你去看一看过敏症专家。I'm going to refer you to an allergist.

过敏症专家布尔特?沃尔夫说今年的情况比往年更不乐观。Allergist Bruce Wolf says this year has been especially bad.

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然后他把这些信息托付给了救护车的随车人员。My allergist then entrusts this information to the ambulance attendant.

Fonacier是过敏症的专科医师,她在一个会议上说,镍金属对于女人来说尤其不确定。It's especially problematic for women, says Luz Fonacier, an allergist who presented at the conference.

鲁兹是一位过敏针医师,她在一个会议上说镍金属过敏症对于女人来说尤其不确定。It’s especially problematic for women, says Luz Fonacier, an allergist who presented at the conference.

今天我去看过敏科大夫,发现我对狗、猫、羊毛、羊绒以及宠物身上的皮屑都过敏。Today, I went to the allergist. I found out that I am allergic to dogs, cats, wool, fleece, and pet dander.

如果您怀疑您过敏,某食品的产品,最好是徵询专家过敏。If you suspect that you're allergic to a certain food product , it would be best to consult an expert allergist.

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一位过敏反应学家建议我们暂时把小麦,乳制品,鸡肉,鱼肉,猪肉,牛肉和鸡蛋从艾利克丝的饮食中除去。An allergist advised us to temporarily eliminate wheat, dairy, chicken, fish, pork, beef and eggs from Alex’s diet.

但高风险病人应在出现流感症状后就去看医生,医生可能会开抗病毒药物达菲进行治疗。People at high risk for flu complications may be able to work with an allergist to be desensitized so they tolerate the vaccine.

为获得最佳效果,国立犹太医学中心过敏专科医师建议,在就寝前服用过敏药和在傍晚服用气喘药。For best effects, take allergy drugs at bedtime and asthma drugs in the late afternoon, a National Jewish Medical Center allergist advises.

在全国享有盛誉的纽约大学皮肤病和过敏症医生大卫,向他的过敏症和对化学物质过敏的病人推荐了我们的产品。Nationally-renowned NYU allergist and dermatologist, Dr. David Cohen, recommends our Super Sensitive Shampoo & Bodywash to his patients with allergies and chemical sensitivities.

根据急诊中心执行情况,医师只给不足半数的病人处方了肾上腺素,到过敏治疗医师处就诊或接受避免可疑食品指导的病人则更少。Upon discharge from the ED, less than half of patients were prescribed epinephrine, and even fewer were referred to an allergist or received instructions on avoiding suspected foods.