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冒牌圣诞老人撒了谎。The fake Santa Clause lied.

是名词子句当受词,也是补语。What is a complement clause?

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这是一个定语从句。This is an attributive clause.

而我将会转到这个except语句。And I'll go to the except clause.

要是我们去的话是条件句。If we go is a conditional clause.

本合同中有一条保留条款。A clause is saved in the contract.

什么是短语?什么是分句?What is a phrase? What is a clause?

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这个子句不能独立运行。This clause cannot be run independently.

所有从句都是树的叶子。All subordinate clause are trees leafage.

第二行包括了连接子句。The second line includes your join clause.

你要求在合同中订上什么条款?What clause do you require in the contract?

从我个人来讲,我希望你们接受这一条款。Personally I hope you’ll accept this clause.

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我们可以讨论一下仲裁条款吗?Shall we discuss the arbitration clause now?

大多数的合同都有仲裁条款。Most of the contract have arbitration clause.

短少按照有关条款处理。Shortage to be settled as per relevant clause.

这是合同中的一项仲裁条款。There is an arbitration clause in the contract.

你怎么理解第二个状语从句?。How do you think of the second adverbial clause?

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我对这里用的现在时“此刻“很感兴趣“I'm interested in the temporal clause "and now."

本合同中有一条保留条款。He may stick on the third clause in the contract.

这是一个宾语从句,注意语序。This is an objective clause. Notice the word order.