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FTC的一名发言人拒绝置评。A spokeswoman for the FTC declined to comment.

公司女发言人卡罗琳彭纳说。PDT, " company spokeswoman Carolyn Penner said.

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百仕通一位女发言人没有置评。A Blackstone spokeswoman did not provide comment.

布鲁克菲尔德公司的发言人拒绝置评。A spokeswoman for Brookfield declined to comment.

阿尔卡特-朗讯的一位发言人拒绝置评.An Alcatel-Lucent spokeswoman declined to comment.

该公司的一位发言人表示要免费送我一盒。A company spokeswoman offered to send me a free box.

TAM公司的一位女发言人表示,没有人在此次事故中受伤。No one was hurt in the incident, a TAM spokeswoman said.

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她的发言人并未进一步对此发表评论。Her spokeswoman had no further comment beyond the posting.

带着恍然大悟,我们回来看亚马逊的女发言人。With a great "ah ha!" we return to our Amazon spokeswoman.

但是,世界粮食计划署的女发言人卡塞拉表示,这仍然不够。But WFP spokeswoman Emilia Casella says that is not enough.

壳牌发言人对谈判不予置评。A Shell spokeswoman declined to comment on the negotiations.

这位发言人称,中国使用的是瑞典太空公司全资拥有的那一个跟踪站。China uses the one wholly owned by SSC, the spokeswoman said.

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伊玛尔房地产公司的一名女发言人未能提供关于此事的更多细节。A spokeswoman for Emaar was unable to provide further details.

花旗发言人对商谈情况不予置评。A Citigroup spokeswoman declined to comment on the discussions.

一位苹果公司的发言人拒绝对这封律师函置评。A spokeswoman for Apple didn't comment on the letter to GetJar.

该组织女发言人潘迪亚说,这一消息并没有看上去那么好。Spokeswoman Pandya says this news is not as good as it appears.

拉贾拉特南律师团的一位发言人拒绝置评。A spokeswoman for Mr. Rajaratnam's legal team declined to comment.

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女主角贝蒂弗内斯是西屋公司的商业发言人。Actress Betty Furness was commercial spokeswoman for Westinghouse.

“说什么这与我们公司也扯不上关系,”一名发言人说。"It's not related whatsoever with our group, " a spokeswoman said.

韦纳先生的一位女发言人没有反驳科尔多瓦女士的讲述。A spokeswoman for Mr. Weiner did not dispute Ms. Cordova’s account.