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牛以吃草为主。Cattle feed on grass.

老牛不下崽。Old cattle breed not.

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我们已经给牛打上了标记。We've branded our cattle.

服务于养牛业!Serve the cattle industry!

那些牛已被卖掉了。The cattle have been sold.

牛以草为主食。Cattle feed mostly on grass.

他给牛喂燕麦。He feeds oats to his cattle.

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拿双牛的先出完是3快。Take two cattle to finish 3.

猪,禽,牛和鱼。Pig, Poultry, Cattle and Fish.

把牛养肥以供应市场。Feed cattle off for the market.

他们在农场上养牛。They keep cattle on their farm.

牛把化学药品踩进了土里。The cattle trod the chemical in.

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有牛在草场上吃草。Cattle are grazing on the pasture.

就因为这个原因宰了不少牲畜。For these many cattle were killed.

牛群在吃草。The cattle were browsing on grass.

养牛大多是为了提供奶制品。Cattle are raised mostly for dairy.

他把牛赶到院子里。He herded his cattle into the yard.

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人们食用药草,牛也一样。People eat herbs, and so do cattle.

农民养牛羊,种庄稼。种竹成林。The farmer raises cattle and crops.

为什么牛在天上飞?因为你在地上吹!Because a herd of cattle are flying.