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他老是神秘兮兮。He's always so secretive.

熊是不合群的孤僻的动物。Bears are asocial secretive animals.

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水之龙谦恭、平静、守护秘密。The Dragon of Water is humble, quiet and secretive.

两个人鬼鬼祟祟的,不知说些什么。Godness knows what they're being so secretive about.

哦你这个藏着掖着的讽刺家,那也许是你的——讽刺?Oh you secretive ironist, was that perhaps your—irony?

哦,神秘的讽刺贾,莫非这便是你的——嘲讽?Oh you secretive ironist, was that perhaps your—irony?

附睾管腔中约含200余种分泌蛋白。There are over 200 secretive proteins in the epididymis.

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隐性采访极易引起纠纷,其中以隐私权为最。Secretive interview tends to cause legal dispute, especially the privacy.

由于他的太太变成神秘兮兮,沈默寡言,使他烦得要命。He is worried sick because his wife has become secretive and uncommunicative.

他说,成千上百的工作者们都和他一起在阿拉莫斯的秘密设施中工作。Hundreds of people worked with him in the secretive Los Alamos facility, he said.

这个项目是如此的绝密,以至于马林甚至都不能和他的妻子说他在做什么。The project was so secretive that Mullin couldn't even tell his wife what he did.

这些日子早已成为过去——兰多故意不愿提及的过去。Those days are far in the past, a past that Calrissian purposely keeps secretive.

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人们发出诡秘的咯咯笑声,承认如果事情轮到他们自己身上,他们也会这么做的。And with secretive giggles they’d confess that maybe they would have done the same.

通过细密的剖解,使读者看到灵魂最隐秘的真实。By fine of dissection, so that readers can see the true soul of the most secretive.

然而,事实是,它是一个奉行有计划谋杀的秘密警察国家,这只会使问题更加恶化。The fact that it's a genocidal and secretive police state only exacerbates matters.

知道最近,变装仍然被迫是一种秘密的活动。Until recently, cross-dressing has been forced into being a very secretive activity.

NRO是控制美国间谍卫星的秘密政府机构。The NRO is the secretive government agency that controls the country'sspy satellites.

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以下就是有关这个偷偷操纵着世界足坛的“大佬”的6个鲜为人知的真相。Here are six unusual facts about the secretive organisation that gover world football.

此外,属聚氟乙烯类的GVHP膜是适合于检测粘膜分泌物抗原的载体。In addition, GVHP membrane is a suitable supporter to detect mucosa secretive antigens.

考虑到他们一直都对这段感情秘而不宣,这次同走红毯算是前进了巨大的一步。This is a HUGE step for them since they both are so secretive about their relationship.